Whats rustling your jimmies?


I'm Amod too!
That sounds like a load of shit. Basically building a time bomb in your car to force you to repair it later on. If you clear the code yourself will it just throw it out again?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Took my truck to the dealership for a check engine light. The code said it was a fault in the computer and only dealerships can reprogram the computers. Service Advisor calls me back and says it's basically a timer that has expired and threw the fault code. It's not affecting performance or anything else, it's just lighting up the light. I wouldn't even need to get it fixed if the check engine light being on wasn't an automatic fail on the annual inspection. The timer can't be reset so its $1200 to replace it. Fuck that shit, I'll try to find a used one that still has time left on the timer.

And the cherry on top, i went to pick it up and found out they left the windows down overnight and a fucking turd floater blew through. It was soaked. They spent at least 15 minutes with a shop vac trying to clean it, and when I got in my ass got soaked. Fuckers thought I wouldn't notice. Went 15 years never forgetting to roll my windows up, but 1 night at the dealership and they can't manage it. I don't even know what to do about that. I need to figure out what all it could have fucked up and keep an eye on those things.
Raise all hell and say it smells like mildew now if you want to punish them. Sunroofs on cts are bad to leak and old bitchy people use that to get them to replace carpet, headliner, etc


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
What is the fault code? Look it up online, it can't just be a time bomb lol. Some of these codes stay reset for a short while, might be worth it. SO glad I don't have to do the safety sticker bullshiat for at least a few more years.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
People who don't turn off the smooth motion on their new TV.

Brother in law has it turned on for some reason (I assume for years now). It looks especially terrible when there's any CGI.


Potato del Grande
People who don't turn off the smooth motion on their new TV.

Brother in law has it turned on for some reason (I assume for years now). It looks especially terrible when there's any CGI.
Must be an in-law thing. My own family, I've always been the 'tech' guy so they do what I recommend and let me help calibrate their TVs and trust me to change settings.

But all my in-laws have smooth motion turned on and not only does nobody notice, they all think it's great. Latest was my grandfather in-law who doesn't even know what 4k is, but the guy at Costco said it would make the tv look extra good, so he buys the 4k TV, and of course spends 80 bucks on 3 4k compatible hdmi cables because the guy at Best Buy said it would make a big difference. Then I tried to explain things and to take off smooth motion because the TV looks terrible, but he thinks the soap opera affectis4k and insists I keep it on since he did shell out so much extra for 4k so wants to see the difference!

And now, based on the grandpa in-laws saying how darned high the definition is my father in-law is looking at also buying a new 4k TV for a boost in smoothness and to take advantage of "the 4k" too. And yes, he calls it "the 4k," And doesn't even realizing their motion judder smoother is already turned on and with their colors being so terrible on the 'dynamic' preset we watched a movie there one night and the effing thing looked like it was animated or some shit.

See also: parent in-laws have their main, straight-on TV watching couch about 20 feet from a 46 inch tv and of course my mother in-law complains the TV is just too big and unnecessary refuses to let my father in-law get anything bigger. He's really pushing her, though, because he also wants to take advantage of 'the 4k' he saw over at his father's house.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
So rustled.

It looks goddamn terrible, grandpa! We were watching Jurassic World and the CGI looked like it was some first year college project. When the camera pans it looks like pan and scan trash.

JFC rustled.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My father has some old speakers and wants to know what kind of new receiver would be best for them. I tell him "take a photo of the back so I can see the model number and any other info". He fucking sends me this.



<Gold Donor>
That motion-smoothing thing is such a huge jimmy rustler, and to make it even worse, everyone that uses it and you complain to thinks you are nuts because they apparently can't see it. They make it sound like you're some fancy videophile that read about it on the internet and just don't like it because you were told not to. I almost can't watch it whenever I'm at someone's house that has it, and it drives me fucking nuts.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
People who don't turn off the smooth motion on their new TV.

Brother in law has it turned on for some reason (I assume for years now). It looks especially terrible when there's any CGI.
I don't even know what smooth motion is. But I have noticed on some TVs that shit looks weird. I thought it was just higher definition. I guess I need to look it up now.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That sounds like a load of shit. Basically building a time bomb in your car to force you to repair it later on. If you clear the code yourself will it just throw it out again?
Yes, immediately. I can't even get the light to turn off.

What is the fault code? Look it up online, it can't just be a time bomb lol. Some of these codes stay reset for a short while, might be worth it. SO glad I don't have to do the safety sticker bullshiat for at least a few more years.
I did. The generic description for it is a fault in the computer. The dealership told me it's a catchall fault code for anything that goes wrong in the computer. In this case they did diagnostics and the problem is the timer. Time bomb wouldn't surprise me TBH. Car makers have been designing their cars to break faster for a while now. Gone are the days when they're proud of vehicles that go 100k, 200k or more miles. My truck has 460k miles though so it's probably more reasonable to think they they just didn't realize it would do it because so few run for that long.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Buffalo Wild Wings, I had to look it up as well.
People also call it 'Bee Dubs', usually fatties! I havent eaten there since we used a gift card we got online, said 50$, so I assumed our meal was paid. Poor waitress had to run out to the parking lot, said it was only a 25$ card. I gave her an extra tip (giggity!)