Nah, I'm an asshole who still doesn't understand why you can't fit the cash in your money clip in your back two wallets. You aren't even carrying big bills in your clip; it's rustling me hardcore. Are you just walking around with $100 bills filling your wallets for absolutely no reason? That's not using your money effectively. Have you talked to any investment bankers regarding this excess of random cash money that doesn't need to be in cash form?
Edit - I frequent places where if I start pulling out cash I get strange looks. I'm also not tipping my mailman, or the cashier at Wholefoods, or the gas pump at the local Chevron. Your mileage apparently varies quite a bit, hence my questions.
Roger that, you live in shitty parts of town and/or are timid about strange looks (depending on what you mean by strange). I'll forgive you for not knowing that money clips aren't bags of holding since you don't seem to use one. Too many bills and they get too full. The metal ones will get bent out of shape and then not be able to hold 1 or 2 bills. I used to have a magnetic clip where the magnets flat out wouldn't work with too many bills. Right now I have a new one that needs to be broken in a little as it only holds like 3 or 4 bills before it starts to get rippy. This newest one has the thickest metal I've ever had on a money clip. I will probably go back to cheap clips soon if this one doesn't loosen up.
Yes, I usually walk around with mostly hundreds and 50's. For instance if I get a grand out, I'll get 7 $100s and 6 $50s. Then when I break one, i'll put the 20's in my wallet any anything smaller in my money clip. I like to use the clip so that I don't have to flash my cash everytime I pay for something.
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