Whats rustling your jimmies?


Buy a package of Oreos and some milk at the store, get home all ready to McCheese them down, and when I pour the glass of milk, I notice it looks weird.

Oh, this bottle says Heavy Whipping Cream on it. Stupid obvious label that I didn't bother reading!

And it did not taste good
Did you whip the cream? Oreos with whipped cream 10/10.

(For Mythic level diabetics, add a sour cherry ball on top.)

Obligatory rustle: Boss gone all day today, My last meeting ends at 2:00. Boss comes in to work at 1:50.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
My wife gets in the car/van/whatever, puts on her seatbelt, gets her ipod ready, adjusts the seat/mirror, makes sure everyone is set, starts the car and takes off immediately. Why she can not get in the vehicle, start it, and then adjust everything so the vehicle has a second to warm up is beyond me. I point this out to her. Often. She says she forgets and doesn't think it a big deal. Rustling occurring.


I'm Amod too!
Why would you need to warm up your engine before driving unless you exist in sub-zero temperatures?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Had hiccups for an hour after breakfast.
Started hiccups for an hour 2 bites into lunch.
Laid down to take a nap this afternoon, woke up by hiccups.


Vyemm Raider
Buy a package of Oreos and some milk at the store, get home all ready to McCheese them down, and when I pour the glass of milk, I notice it looks weird.

Oh, this bottle says Heavy Whipping Cream on it. Stupid obvious label that I didn't bother reading!

And it did not taste good
I did that with homo milk once, was super gay.


Except that warming it up does none of that except waste fuel. And then your transmission isn't warmed up if you decide to give it full throttle once the engine is up to temp.


what Suineg set it to
Because it helps your engine to work more efficiently and adds years to the life of your vehicle. Regardless of the climate in which you live.
Yea it's amazing how long it takes my 5.0L V8 to warm up and the oil pressure to get to normal even during the summer. You wouldn't really notice if you didn't have the extra gauges.


what Suineg set it to
Except that warming it up does none of that except waste fuel. And then your transmission isn't warmed up if you decide to give it full throttle once the engine is up to temp.
Warming up a modern fuel injected engine for 30-90 seconds depending on temperature still has benefits. Increasing RPMs until oil viscosity reaches a workable level by cycling through a few times is just going to wear the engine faster.


what Suineg set it to
Yea that's just idling it, though, different than properly warming up an engine.

In my V8 from a cold start I try to keep under 2K RPMs for 30-90 seconds depending on temperature. After my oil pressure stops spiking I keep it under 4K RPMs until my cylinder head and oil temps are nominal and the tires are warmed up properly.

I don't think Lurking was talking about sitting there for 5-10 minutes but maybe I'm wrong.


I'm Amod too!
Everything I'm reading online says that the need to warm up went away with carburetors. Or really, really cold weather.Anther linkthat deals specifically with the oil myth.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
God damn Long John Silvers. Stopped with the girlfriend to get some chicken and fish on the way home. Get home and find out they shorted us 1 chicken and our coleslaw.


Potato del Grande


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
For those that don't feel like reading:

So, yeah, sitting there for several minutes in a concerted effort to 'warm up' a modern car's engine: unnecessary. Being rustled your wife is inefficient and/or doesn't listen and should adjust shit after she starts the car: very necessary.
This is exactly what I was talking about. Don't put on your seat belt, adjust mirrors, get your ipod or whatever ready, then start the car and immediately drive away. Give it 30 seconds. It makes zero difference in the time it takes you to get going, but I don't give a rat's fart what anyone says: Starting an engine and immediately shifting into drive and going is not as good for it as starting it, giving it 30 seconds, and then putting it to work.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is exactly what I was talking about. Don't put on your seat belt, adjust mirrors, get your ipod or whatever ready, then start the car and immediately drive away. Give it 30 seconds. It makes zero difference in the time it takes you to get going, but I don't give a rat's fart what anyone says: Starting an engine and immediately shifting into drive and going is not as good for it as starting it, giving it 30 seconds, and then putting it to work.
I actually agree with you on that. It's what I do but I don't do it for warming up the engine in the desert lol. I do it so I make sure all the warning lights actually turn off before I drive away.


I'm Amod too!
Being rustled your wife is inefficient and/or doesn't listen and should adjust shit after she starts the car: very necessary.
The argument can be made that your way is less 'efficient' since you would be idling and eating gas while you're playing with mirrors and since oil and vehicle manufacturers have both called warm up periods a myth you and lurkingdirk are just hiding behind superstitions.