Whats rustling your jimmies?


Blackwing Lair Raider
So a year ago I was diagnosed with gout. I avoided beef for a few months, cut down on my protein intake, and everything was swell for a year. I recently had a flare up, and now I can't eat even think about eating anything with corn syrup in it (high fructose or otherwise). That shit is in everything. I know McDonalds is garbage, but I'm in construction and sometimes fast food is the only thing I can manage to grab, I had a Filet of Fish sandwich today and my foot hurt 10 minutes later. I'm pretty sure the pain shouldn't be that fast acting, which means I need to have another doctors appointment because I guess gout left unchecked can lead to Type 2 Diabetes.

Wish I took better care of my body when I was younger.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the kind of retarded, backwoods, hick attitude that's damaging to the right to bear arms.
Seriously. And I wouldn't drag this topic back up, but I can post it here because it rustles my jimmies that the home owner had to go through this.

No charges for Marigny homeowner Merritt Landry in shooting of Marshall Coulter | NOLA.com

Here in Louisiana the law states you have the right to shoot a trespasser...if you feel your life is threatened. This guy just recently lost his job, his house, had his address blasted everywhere by news media causing protesters to protest outside of his house even when he wasn't home and only his wife and children were inside all because he shot an intruder who was inside his GATED area in the middle of the night. The kid who got shot was ducking behind the home owner's car and made a move as to reach for something when the home owner shot him. Turns out the kid has a rap sheet a mile long and despite the kid's family calling him a professional thief said he would never harm anyone, but they neglected to mention he had already been arrested for stealing a firearm from an earlier home invasion, so what was he planning to do with that? They found the kids fingerprints on the home owner's shudders where he was trying to break in and despite all of that along with his track record they still wanted to press charges on the home owner because they argued if his life was really threatened. The da finally decided to drop the charges because the teenager who was shot in the head was fine, walking around, and breaking into homes less than 6 months later, unfortunately not even a bullet in the head could teach this idiot a lesson.

So you may want to think twice before you shoot the next salesman who ignores your no soliciting sign chesire.


It pisses me off that nearly every store now wants you to have a loyalty card that they expect you to lug around on your key chain and when you use it they have the gall to tell you how much you saved by being a special member so what I do is everytime I shop at one of these stores I make them give me a new card and then i toss it on the ground right outside their door on my way out.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It pisses me off that nearly every store now wants you to have a loyalty card that they expect you to lug around on your key chain and when you use it they have the gall to tell you how much you saved by being a special member so what I do is everytime I shop at one of these stores I make them give me a new card and then i toss it on the ground right outside their door on my way out.
The vast majority of stores allow you to simply input/tell them your phone number instead of carrying the card around.



233 image album that will rustle your jimmies

Pennys Story - Imgur
Pennys Story Part 2 - Imgur


Molten Core Raider
Kids school uniforms. So you put a patch on a 5$ Polo and now it costs 30 bucks! Just as bad a racket as books.


So a year ago I was diagnosed with gout. I avoided beef for a few months, cut down on my protein intake, and everything was swell for a year. I recently had a flare up, and now I can't eat even think about eating anything with corn syrup in it (high fructose or otherwise). That shit is in everything. I know McDonalds is garbage, but I'm in construction and sometimes fast food is the only thing I can manage to grab, I had a Filet of Fish sandwich today and my foot hurt 10 minutes later. I'm pretty sure the pain shouldn't be that fast acting, which means I need to have another doctors appointment because I guess gout left unchecked can lead to Type 2 Diabetes.
Fish, shellfish, organ meats are primary triggers for gout. Lesser ones include beef, high concentrations of high fructose corn syrup (like in soda), some fried foods (including some frozen stuff that you bake to heat), caffeine (diuretic which drops your blood volume thus increasing the concentration of purine), and, for some reason, brussel sprouts. So your fried fish thing nailed you. It doesnt take much to push you over the line from just fine and painless to motherfucking OW. Maybe a grilled chicken something or other next time you need to hit McDonalds?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fish, shellfish, organ meats are primary triggers for gout. Lesser ones include beef, high concentrations of high fructose corn syrup (like in soda), some fried foods (including some frozen stuff that you bake to heat), caffeine (diuretic which drops your blood volume thus increasing the concentration of purine), and, for some reason, brussel sprouts. So your fried fish thing nailed you. It doesnt take much to push you over the line from just fine and painless to motherfucking OW. Maybe a grilled chicken something or other next time you need to hit McDonalds?
Yeah, I'm thinking skipping it altogether and just hitting up a grocery store for some prepared fruit. It's getting so goddamn hot out that eating a pound of watery fruit really makes me feel better.

Jimmy rustler - Marvel Heroes 2015, I have too many characters I can play, and can't decide which one I want to get to 60 next.


Trump's Staff
That shit literally makes me sick to my stomach and I don't mean her appearance but just that this person exists and lives like that.
There are people at my work who are like this. Obviously not that fat, but still morbidly obese with a laundry list of problems that just don't change. We're talking late-30s, but have already had a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, fucked up knees, bariatric surgery, and in constant pain 24/7. Doesn't motivate any kind of change. Couple weeks ago they were doing maintenance on the elevators on our side of the building. "Here's $10, can you do me a favor and go up to the vending machine and get me four Cokes? It's much too far to go all the way around to the back of the building and I can't do stairs." HFCS is like heroin to her.


Tranny Chaser
Penny in that story is just a junkie. She's got all the junkie mannerisms and is telling all the junkie lies with all the junkie self deceptions and a husband that's enabling her junkie lifestyle. I bet if you monitored her brain during a feed session and the brain of a crack addict smoking crack all the same parts would light up.

I'd rather she was just a crack addict. It would cost the state less.


Bronze Squire
There are people at my work who are like this. Obviously not that fat, but still morbidly obese with a laundry list of problems that just don't change. We're talking late-30s, but have already had a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, fucked up knees, bariatric surgery, and in constant pain 24/7. Doesn't motivate any kind of change. Couple weeks ago they were doing maintenance on the elevators on our side of the building. "Here's $10, can you do me a favor and go up to the vending machine and get me four Cokes? It's much too far to go all the way around to the back of the building and I can't do stairs." HFCS is like heroin to her.
Hey, that's me! Fuckhead.

Well, that's pretty close to me, anyway; I haven't had bariatric surgery. That, and I'm trying very hard to get better. I've lost 20 pounds in just over a month. I'd really like to get back to exercising again, but a week ago when my pacemaker went off, I crumpled to the ground awkwardly, and really fucked up my right knee.

Anyway, dying is my current jimmy rustler. I fear what I don't understand, and that's one helluva lot.

Debby Downer, amirite?

Q: What's the difference between a flea and a coyote?

A: One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Life's too short not to enjoy it, Gravy, go eat some more McDonald's.

I do like how you call yourself "Gravy" though, thumbs up on that shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
People who don't understand the purpose of the left lane.
I have a friend that am on constantly about this shit and he doesn't understand.

I also hate it when Fedor posts animated gifs in the fucking FSR thread. There's a fucking animated gif thread right next to it damn it!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I finally put him on ignore.I can only look at so many fat people in a day.


Molten Core Raider
People over the age of 17 that wear Vans or some other stupid fucking shoe.
Buy my DC shoes are so comfy

I mostly agree though, I try to find the ones with the least amount of logos and stupid designs on them. I do feel far too old to buy them, but feet feels good man.