WoW character.
Typically I would just make new names up on the spot.
I started a theme with WoW though. started with Calias, which was random gen iirc. but I changed a letter to get Calias. don't remember which. a male dwarf hunter.
Rerolled a druid shortly after started raiding, as hunters were complete balls back then. 50% dps of rogues, only needed 1 to pull, etc.
Calias, became Caliane when I feminized it, for the female druid. stuck with that character as my main since then in wow. Although I had multiple alts, all of which kept the theme, so people could tell my alts. Casia, Caliea. Amusing, there was a Calirose in my guild that was NOT me. that confused some people..
At one point, we got a guy applying for our guild, who claimed to have been in FoH. that is when I signed into the forum, in an attempt to do some background checking on him. used the main character name for less confusion. Stuck around though. And never did get an answer about the applicant. who did end up joining, and was a giant piece of shit in the end. Largely responsible for the guild breaking up, and major delays in progression during Naxx days.
Considered dropping the name in the shift to Rerolled, as it don't really have any meaning to me personally. But figured, it might be confusing if I did. Might as well keep it. But this is really the only place I use it.
Casia started getting used for a DnD rogue. might make a comic on that character if I ever get a chance.