What's the worst movie you've seen at the theatre?


Life's a Dream
Back in High School my friend wanted to see this movie.
It was fucking horrible. The most action we saw after an hour was when a fox attacked a chicken coop. Ugh, so bad.

Yes, there was action after that (as seen in the trailer), but this movie was shit.



Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

The only movie I have fallen asleep during in an actual cinema.

Fell asleep around the time when Anakin was talking about why he dislikes sand. Woke up after he killed the raiders to try and rescue his Mother.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I win.

Blair Witch Project.

I was expecting the scariest movie ever, and what I got was some dumb kids running around some woods way less 'scary' than my backyard.


Tranny Chaser
Leatherheads was pretty unwatchable (Clooney Zellweger golden age of Hollywood style comedy with dialogue that was supposed to be fast passed/snappy but was instead shit ). Left the theater on that one. Also left Dick Tracey. Fell asleep during Red Planet, Tears of the Sun, and Lost Souls (Winona Rider thriller, bad).

The live action Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers was the worst thing I've seen in the theater in my entire life. That's another movie I left. That movie was so bad it irrevocably killed any and all possible future live action Dr. Seuss films. From the Wikipedia entry -

Mike Myers stated in an interview (on the day the film was released) that he expected a sequel, since there was a sequel to the book. A sequel based on The Cat in the Hat Comes Back was in development, a little more than a month before the film's release.[26] However, following the failure of The Cat in the Hat,Dr. Seuss's widow Audrey Geisel said she would never allow any further live action adaptations of her husband's worksand the sequel was eventually canceled
It will be hard for any movie to dethrone Cat in the Hat.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I win.

Blair Witch Project.

I was expecting the scariest movie ever, and what I got was some dumb kids running around some woods way less 'scary' than my backyard.
I fail to see how yours beat simply irresistable...or even battlefield earth. It also created Blair Witch 2...one of the best movies to exist.


Registered Hutt
Burn After Reading. I almost enjoyed it, but the worst part was I was the only one who laughed at ANYTHING the entire time. Everytime I did and the theater was silent I was like, "What is wrong with you people?" It's not like it's a great film, but it has a few moments and I guess they amused only me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Burn After Reading. I almost enjoyed it, but the worst part was I was the only one who laughed at ANYTHING the entire time. Everytime I did and the theater was silent I was like, "What is wrong with you people?" It's not like it's a great film, but it has a few moments and I guess they amused only me.
People who didn't laugh at this have no soul.
