I may regret posting this, but in a nutshell, this is the reality of why the EQMac server had to go away.
There was no way to support it easily. Todd Schmidt (Hobart) spent crazy amounts of his own time trying to make things work. Some did, a lot more didn't. The branched code base for EQMac was COMPLETELY different than EQ PC in so many ways.
There was also no way to monetize it reasonably. Whether you like it or not, SOE is a business, not a gaming charity, and that business needs to make money to survive. As soon as you start asking people to pay you money for the game, you MUST support it. Problem is, there were No GM tools, No Customer Support Tools, No DB access, and really no pipeline to patch it even. Hell, there wasn't even really a game client to speak of. It was a hack from an old EQ PC bundle that people fabricated together (which was AWESOME BTW, but nuts!
I can't tell you why all that wasn't in place, because I have no idea. The entirety of that server was before my time at SOE. I just know to put it in place would have taken a huge amount of coder support, billing support, customer service staff, etc. You can't just stand up a server and tell people on it they're shit out of luck if they have a problem.