I think I"m pretty much the only one. That posted, anyways.
Perhaps I missed Lyrical"s intention, though. However, to me, this thread wasn"t supposed to be an argument about VG"s merits in general, or in comparison to any other game (WoW of course). Rather, it was to understand why people who dislike a particular game, in this case VG, spend so much time and effort telling everyone why they don"t like it.
Take me for example. I was really looking forward to the game. I jumped at the chance to get into the friends and family beta when I was offered a chance. Upon first logging in, I found that the game world seemed to have a lot of potential, but that pretty much everything else was quite obviously in a state of huge flux, and the gameplay was overall nothing new or even that fun. I played a few characters to their teens, and that was about it. People were posting here about how bad the game sucked, it took a super computer to run, and so on. I corrected some misconceptions about performance and the state of the game, not really defending it just keeping people honest.
Then I was booted from the beta cause people over at the beta boards complained. Fair enough, I"d definitely violated the NDA, and I wasn"t all that enamoured with the game anyways. Did I come here and bitch incessantly about the game? Did I rage about Brad supposedly lying about the game or acting like a used car salesman (which I totally disagree with, but nice work, notice he hasn"t posted in months?)? No, I didn"t do any of that. Why?Because I quite honestly didn"t give a shit.The game wasn"t what I was hoping it would be at that point, so my interests turned elsewhere.
And that"s the crux of the issue: if the game"s so terribly awful that you can"t even play it, why would you persist in posting about it for weeks, months, or years? Why wouldn"t you just move onto something that you enjoyed and were interested in? And to those saying "well it"s because I had such high hopes", I still don"t think that it makes any sense to continue hobby horsing on the game to the extent that some do. It makes little rational sense. Your posts on a well-read and respected MMOG forum are going to do nothing to change the game itself, and subsequently if you honestly dislike the game, you will continue to do so.
So why bang your head on the wall? As I posted earlier in the thread, this behaviour is not limited to VG, or to video games in general, but pretty much all parts of our society. And it just makes little sense to me. I mean, when I was 13 I "hated" Offspring as much as the next angst filled teenager because they were too "mainstream", but as I grew up, I just learned to not give a shit. I wish a lot of the anti-VG/WoW/PS3/360/whatever people here and all over the net/world would learn to do the same.
Although I suppose I could have just saved myself a lot of typing and agree with FuckYou: people are stupid.