Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


tad10 said:
Here"s the lowdown on the major bugs currently plaguing Vanguard in order of severity (from player viewpoint).

1. Losing Mob LOS when two mobs interact or losing Mob LOS of large mobs in small rooms in dungeons.. Happens particularly on large mobs like the Trees in Ja"Kin Forest. You are unable to target with anything but some AOE spells. This bug causes wipes. Also happens in dungeons. In Tomb of Lord Tsang very easy to lose LOS in the smaller room on the large construct mobs. Again this bug causes wipes even if you are paying attention. Far and away worst bug in the game. Bring a monk or disciple with you into the Tomb and load him with lightbulbs you have been warned.

2. Invisibility bug. Mob will go invisible -- auto attack will work as will AOE. Moving back only works if the person _with_ aggro moves back. This bug can cause wipes -- but only if you"re not paying attention.

3. Group bugs. Elevators. Group chat. Group invite over long distances. Gets annoying. Elevator bugs can cause death or potential wipes -- but usally only if you"re not paying attention.

4. Everything else.
These are bugs that should not be in retail. Bugs are one thing, but THESE kind of bugs are beta at best. Come on... LoS bugs? Grouping bugs?

There was some VG love the first few days, but as players spend more time dealing with this crap, I suspect the tide will turn quickly.


Blackwing Lair Raider
machineman said:
There was some VG love the first few days, but as players spend more time dealing with this crap, I suspect the tide will turn quickly.
I suppose you can keep your fingers crossed


Then WoW came out and it showed what PROFESSIONAL game designers are capable of.
They showed us that you can create a world that is sterile, repetitive usually ugly and lacking soul of any kind but that as long as it"s simple entertainment the masses will love it. The WoW designers are hacks, they accidentally struck gold on a premise that I"ve been preaching for over 8 years now.


Turzem said:
They showed us that you can create a world that is sterile, repetitive usually ugly and lacking soul of any kind but that as long as it"s simple entertainment the masses will love it. The WoW designers are hacks, they accidentally struck gold on a premise that I"ve been preaching for over 8 years now.
i do hate wow now, but i dont think its a terrible game. its just not my cup of tea because even if my schedule is swamped, id still like to play a game like classic eq over wow (vg in this case). but there are people with busy schedules that wanna go on for like an hour and get shit done.

however i do agree that i didnt really see a soul in wow.


Arden said:
I suppose you can keep your fingers crossed
Why would you wish for the game to fail, or for more people to hate it. Me personally, even if I don"t really love the game, I wouldn"t wish for it to get shut down. More games = good for the gamers.


Turzem said:
They showed us that you can create a world that is sterile, repetitive usually ugly and lacking soul of any kind but that as long as it"s simple entertainment the masses will love it. The WoW designers are hacks, they accidentally struck gold on a premise that I"ve been preaching for over 8 years now.
You rebel you.


vynde said:
i do hate wow now, but i dont think its a terrible game. its just not my cup of tea because even if my schedule is swamped, id still like to play a game like classic eq over wow (vg in this case). but there are people with busy schedules that wanna go on for like an hour and get shit done.

however i do agree that i didnt really see a soul in wow.
Same here, i felt nothing for the game. i didn"t think it was a horrible game, it just wasnt for mel. I only found some enjoyment from Alteric Valley, but once i got exhalted, i never went back.


Cloud9_ said:
Why would you wish for the game to fail, or for more people to hate it. Me personally, even if I don"t really love the game, I wouldn"t wish for it to get shut down. More games = good for the gamers.
You are wrong - if buggy games are accepted its bad for gamers!

Developers should learn that polish+bugfree (almost) >>> quick dollars...


GaliemVaelant said:
For every single thing you can think of that someone would dislike about VG, there"s a reason to fanboi it. Thus, picky, whiny, arrogant fucks who consider themselves gods of gaming will play Vanguard. All the better, I say. The game world is better without them.
Fixed it for you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Cloud9_ said:
Why would you wish for the game to fail, or for more people to hate it. Me personally, even if I don"t really love the game, I wouldn"t wish for it to get shut down. More games = good for the gamers.
You got me all wrong brother I don"t wish for any such thing, nor do I happen to think it is going to be an issue in this case. I am not the type of person that hangs around in threads about games I don"t like (to be honest, I always thought that was a little strange).

I was just poking fun of Machineman"s clear "concern" with the influx of positive feedback Vanguard has gotten since launch. It"s almost as if he chose a side a long time ago, and now that his side just had a major setback it"s making him a little nervous... The whole idea of sides and "turning tides" and such, like the Vanguard thing is a war or something, kind of makes me laugh.

What"s interesting to me, however, is how much the VG Haters Club has actually done for the game. In some ways, they have done more than any Vanguard fanboi could have alone. Their ardent and often maniacal obsession with spamming Vanguard threads with aspersion and controversy has done a large part in assuring that every Vanguard thread extends hundreds of posts within a matter of 2 days, and that the front page of the FoH forums (as well as other game forums) has three active Vanguard threads at any given time.

With their help, it is pretty much impossible to read the message boards and NOT see Vanguard plastered everywhere. Hell, I wonder how many people played Vanguard just to see what all the fuss was about, and which "side" was right. I"d also be willing to bet that many of the Haters Club played Vanguard more than the fanbois just to make sure their data was up to date and as accurate as possible before heading off to the forums to do "battle" with the fanbois (save Neric of course, whose steadfast and meticulously maintained ignorance stands as a bastion to all that is lazy and uninformed criticism).

It"s the old Howard Stern effect- his fans listened to him 2 hours every day, but his hate club listened to him 4 hours every day, just to get enough fuel to feed their burning hatred Good times


vynde said:
however i do agree that i didnt really see a soul in wow.
I Totally agree.. I like WoW, it really is missing something though.
It has great atmosphere.. quest extremely well done.. But something about it doesn"t bring me rushing home to play it.

Plus i love doing dungeons with other groups in it. It"s something i wish WoW would have


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
WoW has alot more soul/personality then VG, that"s for sure. How can you see events like Millhouse Manastorm in Arcatraz and think it"s devoid of one?


Turzem said:
They showed us that you can create a world that is sterile, repetitive usually ugly and lacking soul of any kind but that as long as it"s simple entertainment the masses will love it. The WoW designers are hacks, they accidentally struck gold on a premise that I"ve been preaching for over 8 years now.
I"m sorry... I"m not a WoW fanboy, but you can"t be serious.

It"s not even a discussion that Blizzarad has people who can make great GAMES. They do it time and again.... they know what their doing.

Sigil has engineers writing stories, engineers doing 3D modeling, engineers doing lighting, engineers working on animations, and engineers doing art direction. Blizzard on the other hand has artists and the appropriate professionals working on their craft in each individual area... it"s obvious to 8 million people the quality of this game.

Not denying WoW is simple to play, that"s part of the draw. But it"s also a professionally done game with an expertly crafted interface, whereas Vanguard continues to feel like a college project from a group of mediocre students.

You call them hacks? And you do what in the game industry again?


Tranny Chaser
Arden said:
In some ways, they have done more than any Vanguard fanboi could have alone. Their ardent and often maniacal obsession with spamming Vanguard threads with aspersion and controversy has done a large part in assuring that every Vanguard thread extends hundreds of posts within a matter of 2 days, and that the front page of the FoH forums (as well as other game forums) has three active Vanguard threads at any given time.
Damn you mean an MMO forum actually has threads about a new MMO! Shock horror. You totally forget that for the past 2 years this forum has essentially been a WoW forum...


Arden said:
Hell, I wonder how many people played Vanguard just to see what all the fuss was about, and which "side" was right. I"d also be willing to bet that many of the Haters Club played Vanguard more than the fanbois just to make sure their data was up to date and as accurate as possible before heading off to the forums to do "battle" with the fanbois (save Neric of course, whose steadfast and meticulously maintained ignorance stands as a bastion to all that is lazy and uninformed criticism).

It"s the old Howard Stern effect- his fans listened to him 2 hours every day, but his hate club listened to him 4 hours every day, just to get enough fuel to feed their burning hatred Good times
Anyone who picked up the game just to see what the fuss is about is guaranteed not to be playing it in 2 weeks. Fact. The game is fucking rat urin.

I played the beta for over a year... I hardly "chose a side" . Every week I would try and feel refreshed about the game. I"d read the boards (now non-existant of course). I"d re-read the web site about all the cool things like in-depth crafting, diplomacy, etc. I"d think "what the fuck am I missing? It must be me... I need to go back in there and concentrate on making sure my experience is fun and correct".

Then I realized how ridiculous it was - me, week in and week out testing the game, and somehow thinking it was MY responsiblity to make it fun.

At least half (that"s 50%) of the bugs I submitted since I started are still there. That"s over 13 months ago.

All of these factors finally woke me up and the reason I"m so angry is because I wanted Vanguard to be the game to end all games... not even close.

Like WoW or not - it absolutely raised the expectations on the level of quality, finish and polish and MMO should have - it had attributes reserved for only the best OFFLINE games. Vanguard? Liking EQ1 and reminiscing about it is no reason to produce a game that looks and plays like it, in the year 2007.


Maybe for a lot of people, myself included, playing VG over WoW means spending $500-1,000 in upgrades. That is, if playing at balanced or higher with decent fps means anything.

I don"t know that i"ve seen any arguement for it being that good. I don"t even know if the game has raid content. If there"s a VG fan here that has a compelling arguement then let"s have it.