Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


I wonder if the healer-tank discrepency comes from EQ. You know, that game where noone needed your warrior but 8 clerics could log in at once and be grouped before the screen fully loaded. People hear "group based game" and immediately remember that healers got blowjobs and gummy-bears even if they weren"t that good.. just because they could keep your exp going that ---> way.


It is possible, but in other games where healers got insta groups (like FFXI) there were still too many Dark Knights and Dragoons. I honestly think it is what you said + the fact that healers solo well. And coming from someone who has always played healers, on the powerful scale of weakest (EQ2) to middle (Cleric EQ1/Priest Wow), to most powerful FFXI, my VG healers are up there.


Ssinurn said:
Yea- half the servers are healers. The healers are well balanced (for the most part) and strong. IMHO they need to beef up tanks some as there aren"t enough. Make people want to play them more. I guarantee out all the people playing healers, for many this is the first time in an MMO a healer is their first char/main.
They"re also the only classes that can solo reasonably when you can"t find a group, as far as I can tell. People don"t like being beholden to others regardless of how interwoven a game is.


Wodin said:
They"re also the only classes that can solo reasonably when you can"t find a group, as far as I can tell. People don"t like being beholden to others regardless of how interwoven a game is.
Sorcerers and Psionicists can also solo quite well, and I would argue even better than healers. Paladins can solo if they kill undead.


Yea I was gonna say Necros and Druids do well too. I"m not sure on any of the offensive DPS classes, but I would guess Bard/Ranger/Monk would be fine too.

But I do have a Dark Knight and I do think defensive tanks classes could probably use a bit of help in the soloing department.


1) Necro
2) Druid
3) Sorc

But "Solo" is very different depending on classes.

Necro can kill ANYTHING because of fear.
Sorcerer just OWNS any non healer/nukers.
Druid rock because of Heal/SoW/Snare and Calamities.
Ench is probably "ok" with charm/clone.

Cleric are impossible to kill, but are quite slow.
Shaman seem to dps more but take more damage.
Ranger i dont know.
Pure Melee get a double ass fuck (seeing a war solo is sad).

While i dont think VG should become "World of Solocraft 2.0" some classes need help.
There are not enough people to be sure you will group if you want to.
And sometimes you do not have the time to group.

However they got 1 thing right : XP
Killing +3lvl 3/4Dots is I N S A N E xp, absolutely insane.

As one of the best soloer (25%INT 20%Focus) sorcerer i never refuse a group.
Because a good group can grind 2 3 times faster than i can alone.
And because friends are needed to finish group_quests.


Wodin said:
They"re also the only classes that can solo reasonably when you can"t find a group, as far as I can tell. People don"t like being beholden to others regardless of how interwoven a game is.
Who needs a tank, when my Shaman bear pet seems to tank almost as well as a protective fighter. With his quick refresh "rescue-like" pet skill, I"m able to hold agro on him nicely while I dps. Best of all, he never rolls for loot, and even protects me when I AFK.

Regardless of how group oriented a game is supposed to be, I"d never play a game unless I could efficiently solo. I went from 29 to 32 this weekend (double exp weekend FTW) without grouping, except last nite for about 2 hours. As far as I can tell, I can get the same exp soloing or grouping. To me, soloing is less of a hassle.

My shaman is far more powerful in VG than in EQ2, and more fun to play.


Unless they come up with some really revolutinary concept where skill is more important than playing time, I predict that the genre will slowly fade away, regardless of their sales/subscription numbers at the moment.
Just like checkers and tic-tac-toe


Elleffgee said:
Who needs a tank, when my Shaman bear pet seems to tank almost as well as a protective fighter. With his quick refresh "rescue-like" pet skill, I"m able to hold agro on him nicely while I dps. Best of all, he never rolls for loot, and even protects me when I AFK.

Regardless of how group oriented a game is supposed to be, I"d never play a game unless I could efficiently solo. I went from 29 to 32 this weekend (double exp weekend FTW) without grouping, except last nite for about 2 hours. As far as I can tell, I can get the same exp soloing or grouping. To me, soloing is less of a hassle.

My shaman is far more powerful in VG than in EQ2, and more fun to play.
Tuan said:
I really used to enjoy my class (shaman). After not having played a while, I logged back in to CiS where I was soloing last time before i logged (couldn"t find group with half the fucking server being a healer), and now it took way way longer to kill the same mobs, almost died twice in the process and it cost me all my mana.


<Medals Crew>
When I think of Nerd Rage... I picture Space Ace when Dextor changes into Space Ace.


The Hiram Key said:
Not argueing that they don"t love what they do, but everyone is in it (no matter what "it" is) for the paycheck, don"t fool yourself.

I don"t work for free, and neither do you.
For once i agree with Hiram. Damn it I feel dirty now. Going to shower.


Nino said:
YOu know and i know, but if a game isnt cruise mode like WoW, alot of people will not like it. IMO WoW ruined MMO"s. The first day i played that game i knew something was fucked. Oh well, to each their own.


I welcomed the slower leveling, it actually gives you the chance to enjoy the content there is instead of the "lolz0r the game starts at the level cap" retardation.

Gnome Eater_foh

kcxiv said:
YOu know and i know, but if a game isnt cruise mode like WoW, alot of people will not like it. IMO WoW ruined MMO"s. The first day i played that game i knew something was fucked. Oh well, to each their own.
Why? Seriously, are you suggesting that WoW was too much fun without the tedium so people now won"t stand a slight bit of tedium?

Seriously, that"s a horribly stupid generalization that people who won"t put up with pain are "not worthy" of playing MMORPGs


kcxiv said:
YOu know and i know, but if a game isnt cruise mode like WoW, alot of people will not like it. IMO WoW ruined MMO"s. The first day i played that game i knew something was fucked. Oh well, to each their own.
The only thing that was fucked was the vast minority of masochistic people who think tedium and frustration is "challenge".