Wii U and 3DS jailbreak


Buzzfeed Editor
I am assuming that the US version will have a patch as well. The writeup I saw looked pretty easy, basically you just put the game files in one folder, patch in another, go to homebrew and install the game, then the update, disco.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
yes, it installs like any other game off utik.


FPS noob
yeah once someone actually buys the US version off the eshop and gets the download link, they will share the TIK file for the game and the update and then everyone will be able to download and play it with no fuckery.

i'd recommend waiting for the US version too just because the DLC is tied to your region so if you play the euro version now you'll need the euro version of the DLC, which is not a big deal or anything but i know I'd forget in 3 months which version i downloaded and get frustrated when the US dlc doesn't work with the euro game
  • 1Solidarity
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Trump's Staff
Anyone know why when I run WUD Installer, the only folder that shows is "install" and choosing that doesn't work? I have the two game folders inside of install but they don't show. I will probably wait for US version now but at this point I just wanna know wtf I'm doing wrong.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Lenas Lenas Make sure nothing else is in the install folder. You might still have the old home brew install files in that folder from when you first set it up. You can delete all that shit. You should only have game folders in the install folder now.


Trump's Staff
There's nothin else in there. Just one folder for the game and one for the update.

Edit - actually I have tried a lot of things. Right now my SD:/Install contains code, meta and content folders for Zelda. I also tried what I said above with two folders for the game and the update. Both scenarios only show "install" dir when I run WUP Installer.


Trump's Staff
I have a few Loadiine games but those I just copy into a /games directory on the same SD and don't have to do any of this install bullshit.

This one I am wanting to install to my USB since people say Loadiine performance is garbage.

I am gonna try one more thing. The update dir from DiscU without 'c' argument and the game directory with the 'c' argument. I wish torrent makers would just upload shit that was ready to go, .wud is useless.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is how my directory looked and they installed fine. There are no subfolders within the gamefolders themself.

Inside the install folder:


Inside the actual game/update folders:




Trump's Staff
Do you have any title.key files in those folders? I have read on wiiuiso that you need to copy them from another directory after the DiscU extract. That looks like the output I have now.

Also thank you.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I have title.cert, title.tik and title.tmd in both folders.


FPS noob
If you are using uTikDownloader to move your games from your PC to wii u, you should be running WUP Installer Y Mod to install games, not WUD Installer. WUD is for .WUD files which you can download/RIP, never done it so not sure how you do it with those kind of files. For uTik files you put them in the install directory on your SD card, run WUP Installer Mod Y from the homebrew launcher (it should be on the second or third page), press the + button inside the install folder and it will select (*) all the titles and then press X button to install them to USB drive (or A to internal memory). Similar to this video

I highly, highly, highly recommend using uTikDownloadHelper over trying to get WUD/ISO files over to your wii u, its much cleaner since you are downloading straight from Nintendo servers, you get all updates/patches, and its a simple copy to SD card and install process. As I said before, while the FAQ has removed the brazilian title way of doing things, its still on the wiki as a deleted file:
Delete ABrazilianWaysToDoThings.md · FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial@b17a115 · GitHub


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
And to clarify, I downloaded the game using utik. The updated, however, was from the torrent. I haven't really played much, so I'm just going to get the US version tomorrow most likely.


FPS noob
sounds like your folders aren't setup right, you should be matching what soy has - two folders called The Legend of Zelda_Breath of the Wild (EUR) and another with the 2 gig update, both should have their own title.cert, title.tik, and title.tmd that came from uTik (or torrent for the update). You should not have to move any files around.

After I install a game from install I delete them from the SD card. YOu shouldn't have anything in the install folder other than what you are about to install, just rename the folder if you have extra crap in there right now and make a new install folder.

This is what my two folders look like, I placed both folders in install and just ran WUP Installer Y Mod and pressed * then X to install them to my drive

Directory of E:\install\The Legend of Zelda_Breath of the Wild (EUR)

02/28/2017 05:01 AM <DIR> .
02/28/2017 05:01 AM <DIR> ..
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 786,432 00000000.app
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 32,768 00000001.app
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 32,768 00000002.app
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 196,608 00000003.app
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 20 00000003.h3

... lots more

02/28/2017 05:00 AM 20 0000007e.h3
02/28/2017 05:00 AM 95,879,168 0000007f.app
02/28/2017 05:00 AM 20 0000007f.h3
02/28/2017 05:01 AM 95,485,952 00000080.app
02/28/2017 05:01 AM 20 00000080.h3
02/28/2017 05:01 AM 22,085,632 00000081.app
02/28/2017 05:01 AM 20 00000081.h3
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 2,560 title.cert
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 848 title.tik
02/28/2017 04:39 AM 10,852 title.tmd
259 File(s) 10,551,280,012 bytes

Total Files Listed:
259 File(s) 10,551,280,012 bytes
2 Dir(s) 2,293,125,128,192 bytes free

(the update below was torrented)
Directory of E:\install\The Legend of Zelda_Breath of the Wild Update v1 (EUR)

02/28/2017 03:36 PM <DIR> .
02/28/2017 03:36 PM <DIR> ..
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 1,343,488 00000000.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 32,768 00000001.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 32,768 00000002.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 196,608 00000003.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 00000003.h3

... lots more ...

02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 000000ad.h3
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 95,813,632 000000ae.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 000000ae.h3
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 95,879,168 000000af.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 000000af.h3
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 95,158,272 000000b0.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 000000b0.h3
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 93,192,192 000000b1.app
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 20 000000b1.h3
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 2,560 title.cert
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 848 title.tik
02/26/2017 07:37 PM 13,156 title.tmd
355 File(s) 2,368,622,156 bytes

Total Files Listed:
355 File(s) 2,368,622,156 bytes
2 Dir(s) 2,293,125,095,424 bytes free


Buzzfeed Editor
The only thing I worry about with getting the US version is getting the update, as I don't tend to frequent "those places" much anymore and utik doesn't seem to be quick on getting those updates for whatever reason, can't get the EUR version one yet (or couldn't this morning) although you can get updates for other games.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
When you run WUP Installer y Mod it should look like this:

chaos chaos Update files should go up very soon after the official eShop release in all regions. There's simply no way to get the ticket yet; the only reason people have the update already for the EUR version is because it's included on the physical disc.


Buzzfeed Editor
ah, gotcha. Well then, wait for the US it is. Not like waiting a few hours is such a big deal.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also, anyone know why I have to pair my Pro Controller every single time I boot up the console? I don't think there's anything wrong with it, since it does pair and works perfectly in-game. It's just goddamn annoying.