Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


<WoW Guild Officer>
rerolled dominion on stormtalon, first post still right? I couldn't find anyone on last night via /who, but I figure the command is broken.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Being able to play with friends is not the same as the game having a community. Community is created from group rivalries, server politics, competition, reasons to interact outside of your guild or friendship group - no recent MMO has managed to really pull that off.
I wouldn't say this. There's plenty of community in most MMOs if you get involved and branch out. What the die-hards want is forced interaction and that will hopefully lead to a community(IE EQ but not even sure that will happen with today's gamers). Problem being current trends and gamer attitude is very secular and they are quite happy to sit in their own bubble and never reach out.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wouldn't say this. There's plenty of community in most MMOs if you get involved and branch out. What the die-hards want is forced interaction and that will hopefully lead to a community(IE EQ but not even sure that will happen with today's gamers). Problem being current trends and gamer attitude is very secular and they are quite happy to sit in their own bubble and never reach out.
If the game doesn't promote you to step out of that bubble for a majority of it's content (not just talking Wildstar but any MMO) then you can't expect most players to do that (or even be comfortable with it) for only end game. Let's face it, most people who play these games just want to see the content, they could give a damn about the inter-dynamics of server community.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The level 35 shiphand mission has to be the best thing I've done in this game so far. Nothing has made me feel more like I'm playing a sci-fi MMO than floating around to repair a capsized starship. The shiphand missions are definitely some of the most impressive parts of the game. They really should make one for the 1-10 level range to break up the quest slog some.

I'm NOT asking for the difficulty to be reduced for any of this content. It should remain challenging and there should be a harsh learning curve. However, it makes absolutely zero sense for players to get 2.5%-5% of a level from an entire adventure/dungeon run. When you compound this with repair costs and the lack of adequate compensation you're left with players being channeled into strictly quest grinding to advance their characters.
They've said they're going to add a quest to each dungeon so you get something the first time you complete it. I would guess exp would be a part of it. They've also said they plan to add some sort of tutorial dungeon so the difficulty doesn't jump so much from questing to doing dungeons and adventures. But, yeah, neither of those things are going to do much unless they increase the exp in them. It's pretty basic risk vs. reward. People go where the exp is, pure and simple.


Log Wizard
I'm running good and bad players through silver dungeons. Sometime's failing because retards die to lazers in the first 5 seconds of a fight. I do this for 6+ hours a night.

It is still fun.

Get some fucking friends.

Also community is actually kind of building, and I'm on one of the larger servers (Pergo). There's the 'oh this dude makes XXX' and 'this dude is good at ____' and such. If you're a good tank or healer you'll make friends fast. If you're a decent dps who knows how to interrupt/not stand in red you'll be that 5th slot for everybody ever.


Trakanon Raider
I'm running good and bad players through silver dungeons. Sometime's failing because retards die to lazers in the first 5 seconds of a fight. I do this for 6+ hours a night.

It is still fun.

Get some fucking friends.

Also community is actually kind of building, and I'm on one of the larger servers (Pergo). There's the 'oh this dude makes XXX' and 'this dude is good at ____' and such. If you're a good tank or healer you'll make friends fast. If you're a decent dps who knows how to interrupt/not stand in red you'll be that 5th slot for everybody ever.
Pretty much this. The other raiding guilds are constantly talking to me about the progress they're making on bosses and who has the better guild / who has the best single group time for dungeons. Any time I stream I still get 150-200 viewers on a pretty consistent basis talking about dungeon strats and builds. Out of our original raid team that entered GA we've had 1-2 people quit/flake and continue to have new applicants. I'm not trying to sell anyone on Wildstar - at this point you know if it's the type of MMO you'd like but they've pretty much stuck to what they've said they wanted to do.


A Man Chooses....
I'm running good and bad players through silver dungeons. Sometime's failing because retards die to lazers in the first 5 seconds of a fight. I do this for 6+ hours a night.

It is still fun.

Get some fucking friends.

Also community is actually kind of building, and I'm on one of the larger servers (Pergo). There's the 'oh this dude makes XXX' and 'this dude is good at ____' and such. If you're a good tank or healer you'll make friends fast. If you're a decent dps who knows how to interrupt/not stand in red you'll be that 5th slot for everybody ever.
It really is fun. If itemization wasn't terrible I'd be having a blast. We haven't lost a single person yet who has stepped into GA, and we're recruiting for our second raid. I just wish I could run dungeons for upgrades rather than bashing my head against the wall crafting for the rune slot lottery or figuring out how to win trade like the professionals.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
unsubbed because the botting/afker in BG problems were too severe on my server


Log Wizard
Yeah, just got a shit ton of my 4-slot vet dungeon blues replaced by optimum runed 2-3 slot crafted +125 bullshit gear. They need to nerf attack/support power sooner. I banked my fucking 4 rune 60/60/60/30 gear just in case.

It's kind of interesting/annoying that the purple loot tables aren't available for the vet dungeons yet since the patch. It sucks that I don't know where to hunt, but it rules in the fact that I got a +100 brut shield off Storm Talon and felt good about running it.


Trakanon Raider
What's even funnier is the part where they're not even contending for world firsts but struggling mightily to contend with server firsts on a low pop PVE server.