Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah add me, I'm Soaked in game. I should be on some this weekend.

Running Tempest Refuge last night I have to say it was disappointing to gold it and not get the shinies, but we cheated like everyone else does anyway so whatever. I don't think there are even any upgrades for me there, I was just doing it for attunement.
You guys can add me as well, I have family in town until tomorrow so I'll be limited but I'm finishing the last of my rep up for key, haven't done dungeons/adventures yet but I am at least in 50 blues. Archrival playing Esper DPS, also feel free to hit me up for daily clears etc.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Btw, if anyone in the guild, or on the Dominion side wants to do rated pvp, hit me up. I've been running cross-server premades to get to 1500 ranking, sitting a few wins away from it now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm really enjoying zooming around Farside on my hoverboard. It's going to suck when I have to go to the next zone and can no longer soar across the zone.


So is this game f2p yet?
should be.. I can't even find the motivation to log on to get 1 more PP to buy my next CREDD. No way I'd actually pay to keep this going. It's not the process to get into a raid that's got many people bored, it's the way they went around doing it. Game designers now adays are very adapt at making MMOGs feel like regular online games where you solo everything and when you're ready to do a group you get your 4-5 friends together and do it. The rest of the playerbase could be 100 people or 10,000,000 people and it just wouldn't matter. There's no vibrant community, nothing seems organic or immersive, players don't stand out from eachother, nothing that really matters for an MMOG is present. No soul. This feels like an MMO created by a robot not a human with an understanding of human psychology. MMOGs in the future need to be designed by those that understand the human condition, not a group of programers with aspergers and a bunch of business men that only look at dollar signs.


We're having a blast. But on here, as usual, its the same complaints every new MMO. Make some friends and progress, stop complaining the "community" is bad.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
should be.. I can't even find the motivation to log on to get 1 more PP to buy my next CREDD. No way I'd actually pay to keep this going. It's not the process to get into a raid that's got many people bored, it's the way they went around doing it. Game designers now adays are very adapt at making MMOGs feel like regular online games where you solo everything and when you're ready to do a group you get your 4-5 friends together and do it. The rest of the playerbase could be 100 people or 10,000,000 people and it just wouldn't matter. There's no vibrant community, nothing seems organic or immersive, players don't stand out from eachother, nothing that really matters for an MMOG is present. No soul. This feels like an MMO created by a robot not a human with an understanding of human psychology. MMOGs in the future need to be designed by those that understand the human condition, not a group of programers with aspergers and a bunch of business men that only look at dollar signs.
Why don't you try to make friends and join a guild?


Your complaints make you sound like you're the one with social problems. Bad community? Stop acting like a jackass and make some friends, i hear it does wonders. No soul? Wildstar has more than any recent mmo. Seriously think you meant to post in the TESO thread or are a troll at this point.

Wildstar has its problems, mainly terrible customer support, slow bug fixing and their amazing ability to create other seemingly unrelated bugs in the process. Hopefully they can resolve those.


some of you need step out of your state of denial and seek help for your stockholm syndrome. Game is bland, a WoW clone #938, and sane people are quitting in droves. Enjoy your delusions.


I must admit, this game isn't that great without friends, unfortunately even with friends I've still found little reason to play this game. I played ESO more than Wildstar.

The stale economy was a big reason for me to stop playing. Credd prices stagnated, most everything you farmed in the game aside from runes and elemental signs were only worth their vendor price.

The gear centric pvp system got stale after a while.

There are a few anti-fun pvp mechanics, like Blind and Tether. Tether being easier to deal with.

The list can go on, but there's plenty of reasons not to play this game other than just not having friends.

Edit: If you can look past these blights this game is probably the bee's knees.

Edit 2: Shiphands were a huge success for me, Loved the "Mini-game" feel it gave off.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What fucking MMO is fun without friends? Underjoyed just wanted to parachute in with the usual EQ good old days sandy vagina bullshit.


taking into account when EQ was made it's about 100x the game Wildstar will ever be. If EQ's creators had access to everything modern designers do, EQ would have been the greatest thing ever put on a PC. Nothing has matched it since.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Being able to play with friends is not the same as the game having a community. Community is created from group rivalries, server politics, competition, reasons to interact outside of your guild or friendship group - no recent MMO has managed to really pull that off.


Being able to play with friends is not the same as the game having a community. Community is created from group rivalries, server politics, competition, reasons to interact outside of your guild or friendship group - no recent MMO has managed to really pull that off.
I don't know, Warhammer Online had a lot of that. I know the population on Gorfang had tons of personalities. Everyone really got to know everyone else. You had those people you hated to see on the other side, the people you loved seeing on your side. I think the zone pushing and the server only PVP queues with no PVE queues really helped that game build a community. Over the two years I played that game I knew pretty much everyone on the server in one way or another. In Wildstar I don't know a soul outside my guild and I don't even know half the people in my guild....


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Here's a major complaint I have, and I believe Carbine needs to address it to continue attracting new players and retain people who are leveling up alts. There is effectively one way to level your character at a reasonable rate: solo questing. The experience for dungeons/adventures is absolutely terrible.

I'm NOT asking for the difficulty to be reduced for any of this content. It should remain challenging and there should be a harsh learning curve. However, it makes absolutely zero sense for players to get 2.5%-5% of a level from an entire adventure/dungeon run. When you compound this with repair costs and the lack of adequate compensation you're left with players being channeled into strictly quest grinding to advance their characters.

While this isn't necessarily the most damaging short term problem for a game to have, the long term effects can be devastating:

  • New players are unfamiliar with more advanced mechanics because the game doesn't introduce them early enough
  • The lack of variety in game play while leveling leads people to try other games instead of trying different characters

To be honest, it's just a dick move on the part of Carbine. They're effectively telling their player base, "You will play the game OUR way or you can fuck off!" This is pretty confusing behavior for a for-profit company to exhibit; but even if they're so stuck on the abstract idea of maintaining their 'vision', they need to realize that games that are not "fun" do not remain operating for very long. Especially with NcSoft holding your nuts in a jar.