Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


That's an issue for anyone in halls. I was just barely off the secondary platforms in the first room the other day and hit an electrocute at a dude on the platform like 4 pixels away and it totally missed. He had like 100 health too


<Bronze Donator>
I lied, i'm getting bored of this already and i'm only level 15 lol
I stopped to play another game for a couple days and i'm having a hard time trying to get back into it already
I was at a very similar spot and all I can really say is I began to enjoy the game more after pushing through into the 20s. A lot of people complain about how bland the start of the game is and I don't disagree.


Toe Sucker
I was at a very similar spot and all I can really say is I began to enjoy the game more after pushing through into the 20s. A lot of people complain about how bland the start of the game is and I don't disagree.
Yeah i figured that's probably the case, i'll keep dicking around slowly and eventually get through the first 20 levels lol


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah i figured that's probably the case, i'll keep dicking around slowly and eventually get through the first 20 levels lol
The lull is real around 15-22. For some reason those levels are just really boring to what seems like a lot of people. Maybe its the zones at that level range. Who knows?


2 Minutes Hate
I was thinking that. But I've decided at the last minute to go Esper.

I'll probably change my mind again by the time I log in tonight.


I really recommend hopping into some premade bgs for a level when you start feeling that burnout. It helped me get through the teens with marginal fun-loss.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Who here plays a Spellslinger? I was looking at them last night but didn't have enough time to really play one. You have so many people boohoo'ing their end game dps (who knows if that is actually true) but I really haven't heard anyone play one as a healer.

The spellsurge mechanic looks a little janky, but might add some depth to the game maybe. Do people enjoy playing them. Also, are they boring to play visually? Do all the do is pew pew out of their guns or do they do anything cool?
I don't know about visually, but there is something really satisfying about playing what is basically a space cowboy.

As far as spellsurge go, I feel it suffers from the same problem as sprint. It's not that you feel faster when you hold down shift, but that you feel slower when you don't. Since so many of the SS's abilities are built around doing increased damage when spellsurge is on, it can make you feel like you're just not doing a ton of damage when it's refreshing.


FoH nuclear response team
Is it even possible for you to have fun in a MMO? I went into this game completely blind with zero beta experience and the tutorial only took me 20 minutes to complete and that was only because I took the time to explore every nook and cranny of the ship to see if I had missed anything. If you can't devote 10-15 minutes to knocking out the tutorial before quitting the game entirely, then I doubt any MMO will satisfy you. You better avoid ArchAge completely because the first 30 levels in that game are significantly less entertaining than Wildstar's early levels.
I actually enjoy Archage I'm just trying to not burn myself out on it before launch so I rarely log in.


Just hit Level 15 after a couple days of playtime, and my summary of this game is this:

I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

The outposts are so over-detailed and non unique. Every one looks the same. There's no connection to any of the characters or story lines for me. I'm not invested in it in any way. And for shit sake the gear is so terribly done. Stupid icons, stat sacrifices from Level 5? Seriously?

This game is really really bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The levels 18-20 so far are so fucking boring. I plan on rerolling tonight to an Esper just to mess around.
That sucks when you're on a guest account trying to decide if you want to buy the game or not. I understand people saying it's gets better post 20, but if it doesn't grab me during the 'trial' (since I assume that's the whole point of the guest accounts, to get people interested and buy), then I probably wont get it, at least not until heavily discounted or F2P.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The outposts are so over-detailed and non unique. Every one looks the same. There's no connection to any of the characters or story lines for me. I'm not invested in it in any way. And for shit sake the gear is so terribly done. Stupid icons, stat sacrifices from Level 5? Seriously?
You have space hamsters, giant robots, zombies, golems, anime rejects, dragon lizards, and everyone looks the same?

Also - and it took me a while to realize this - but there aren't stat sacrifices at lower levels. It's just that whatever gear you are looking at compares to what you are wearing, so any stat that you'd be decreasing shows red on the new gear. So if you're wearing a shirt with +5 moxie and find one that has +5 finesse, the new shirt will show as +5 finesse, -5 moxie.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You can do an adventure and a dungeon before level 20. Do those two things and you should be able to tell if the game is for you or not by then.


Draegan, be careful with that rerolling. I think that's how I burnt out so quick. I kept making new chars and leveling them through the shitty levels to almost the level ranger where the fun "supposedly" begins. Anyway, I think if people are not enjoying the lower levels of the game, the devs of that game are basically shooting themselves in the foot. I know they are all about "elder game" but they need to fix that shit.

Also, which one of you sour vagina neckbeards is giving negs to people for posting critical Wildstar posts?


They absolutely need to fix the lower level game. The last two zones I have quested through I have paid attention only to the Region Story and World Story quests, and it has made a world of difference. You can skip ALL the tasks and still level through a zone at the appropriate speed and be ready for the next by the time you complete the region and world quests. That isn't clear at all at low levels, in fact when I was low level I didn't even know there was a difference. Tasks give like 2 kills worth of xp and the story quests give almost a bar per, I'm fairly certain you level slower if you pay attention to the tasks.


Just hit Level 15 after a couple days of playtime, and my summary of this game is this:

I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

The outposts are so over-detailed and non unique. Every one looks the same. There's no connection to any of the characters or story lines for me. I'm not invested in it in any way. And for shit sake the gear is so terribly done. Stupid icons, stat sacrifices from Level 5? Seriously?

This game is really really bad.

oh, you're not joking?

anyone complaining about the lower levels is crazy. You can blow through them in less than a day. The combat alone is enough to keep you playing until the late teens, then the story picks up and the zones get more interesting. I do agree that these games should just start at max level, though.


Log Wizard
They absolutely need to fix the lower level game. The last two zones I have quested through I have paid attention only to the Region Story and World Story quests, and it has made a world of difference. You can skip ALL the tasks and still level through a zone at the appropriate speed and be ready for the next by the time you complete the region and world quests. That isn't clear at all at low levels, in fact when I was low level I didn't even know there was a difference. Tasks give like 2 kills worth of xp and the story quests give almost a bar per, I'm fairly certain you level slower if you pay attention to the tasks.
Do quests 2 levels above you and it's very much worth it. Same level or below is like 2-5% exp per complete AKA not worth it.