Windows 8


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Did the 8.1 upgrade last night and a couple of 'issues' that have popped up are:

- My network drive now appears in offline mode, I guess is how it is called. I can transfer files to it, browse it, etc... But trying to copy from it, play music, movies, from it only tells me that the file is 'only available when you are connected to the internet.' Don't know if some network type setting got changed in the upgrade. Guess I can just disconnect the drive and reconnect to see if it clears it up.
- This forum in particular hates Firefox (Waterfox actually) now. It is probably due to the graphic driver (my only guess), but for whatever reason this forum gives me black bars across the entire screen randomly dispersed throughout posts. Sometimes the whole page just goes black. I can ctrl+a to select everything, unselect and about 80% will return, then repeat to get another 10 - 15%. Will see if it clears up after upgrading to the latest nvidia beta driver. Does not happen in Chrome or in IE though.
- Also graphic driver related, my GTX 670s were stuck at 80% fan speed and like heavy load for no reason. After a couple of reboots, enabling / disabling SLI, and playing with Precision X to fake an Overclock and then return to default it cleared up.

Also a couple of random crashes like Desidero said. Honestly it is feels like just more of the driver crap that always goes along with new releases, plus it is a beta release for 8.1, so I can't really fault it. The network thing is what ticks me off the most, but should be trivial enough to fix. It has happened 3 - 4 times now including on Windows 8.0. Like it just forgets that I have a Wireless (ugh, yeah I hate wireless) Network or the network drive. I'm no networking guru, but the whole time on Win 7 this issue never once came up.

*edit: Oh, another thing (and off topic not Win 7 / 8 related); am I the only person that thinks audio arbitration between headphones and speakers sucks? I can't just plug in USB headphones and all audio is automatically directed to it. Have to go in to Sound, set as default device (or sometimes disable the speakers) to make the headphones work. Then when I unplug them audio doesn't revert back to speakers. Guess the question is, is there a better method / program for managing multiple audio outs?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I installed 8.1 on a virtual machine on my PC and had all sorts of issues with my network storage. Within 15 minutes of dicking around with the OS, I just deleted it. I see no reason whatsoever to move to it over Win 7.


Tranny Chaser
AFAIK 8.1 RTM will be released in August. You guys are complaining over beta, right? I haven't bothered to look at my works MSDN if it's there yet, so still running 8.0.


Trump's Staff
The only issues I've had with 8.1 on my laptop is that I lost brightness control with the latest Catalyst drivers, it's always at max. Network folders work fine, I play stuff off of my time capsule all the time.


It is a beta, so instability is a risk we take by installing it. However, the update from 8.0 to 8.1 is pretty minor and shouldn't affect a lot of the things that seem to be causing problems.

I guess I'm just a little disappointed that a patch version of W8 is less stable than the true beta of W7.


Death and Taxes
I just got Windows 8 at work here. I was about 12 seconds away from putting my fist through my monitor until I installed classic start menu. If the tiles worked AND the system had the classic start menu I'd have ZERO complaints with the OS. The tiles are sweet and all but no way would I not want to have a task bar/start menu stuff.


Avatar of War Slayer
I thought 8.1 was to bring back the "classic" start menu when in desktop mode. I hate the shift now days where make all os's one is to make desktop like mobile rather than mobile like desktop- guess the push to make mobile like desktop failed so now they turn the tables.

I moved 4 labs to windows 8 and I get nothing but complaints- may have been no one told the professors so the first day they walk in and they are like WTF while their students are like WTF?

Windows 7 Beta was the only windows beta in recent memories where the forums had a good chunk of positive comments :p


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
When I want to launch something not on my W8 desktop I just click the Start (metro tiles) menu and start typing. It's more "work" than using the classic start menu.

Sooooo ... yeah. W8 is still gay as fuck. It is definitely not a case of "you just gotta learn it". It's just bad design choices.


Avatar of War Slayer
When I want to launch something not on my W8 desktop I just click the Start (metro tiles) menu and start typing. It's more "work" than using the classic start menu.

Sooooo ... yeah. W8 is still gay as fuck. It is definitely not a case of "you just gotta learn it". It's just bad design choices.
Yeah but how are people to know that when in metro "start" you can just start typing and it works like the old start button search? the problem with classic start button- at least the 2 versions I used was that if you press on it, it does not default your cursor to the search box like win 7 so yes it makes technically more steps than it was.

On first boot/user creation or install Windows 8 should give you an option "Metro style" or "classic style" boom 99% of peoples issues solved


Molten Core Raider
It's almost like most peoples problems with Windows 8 is it's too easy to use compared to prior versions of windows, they simplified so many functions and so much of the interface that people are looking for a more difficult solution to what they are trying to achieve.

My brother-in-law bought a Win 8 Laptop a few months back. Him and his wife dislike Win 8 quite a bit, yet their 2 young kids zoom around on it just fine, as they have no prior knowledge of previous versions of Windows.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
More clicks != simplified


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's almost like most peoples problems with Windows 8 is it's too easy to use compared to prior versions of windows, they simplified so many functions and so much of the interface that people are looking for a more difficult solution to what they are trying to achieve.

My brother-in-law bought a Win 8 Laptop a few months back. Him and his wife dislike Win 8 quite a bit, yet their 2 young kids zoom around on it just fine, as they have no prior knowledge of previous versions of Windows.
That's really not it. It's flipping between 2 entirely separate interfaces that is the problem.


Windows 8 is an abortion as far as anything network storage or sharing is concerned. It took me 2 billable hours to try and fail to set up homegroup then just set up normal mapped drives that wouldn't save the credentials. I mean, fuck! What a peice of shit! I finally got it to work though. I hope they saw what I was doing remote and how hard it looked, though. That would be validating.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Devices from Charms > Settings > Change PC Settings > Devices

Devices from Charms > Devices

Complete abortion


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Sharing from Charms > Settings > Change PC Settings > Share

Sharing from Charms > Share
