Windows 8


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Do you think I'll still be able to click on network settings and have zero settings about networks appear?


Lord Nagafen Raider
8.1 is going to give you combined search results, you can already install any application you want from any fucking source you want, you can place windows anywhere on the desktop and it also has a taskbar. How crazy!

You're right, Windows is a real piece of shit, giving you everything that you just asked for.
It's almost like you're being intentionally obtuse. Metro applications are limited for installation from the store only and
obviously do not have a taskbar. The search add I've read out is the charms not start screen (where you currently need 3-4 key strokes to navigate from apps to settings), it's also introducing a massive privacy leak and forwarding queries to bing.

How long before we start seeing ads on the start screen as we do on the 360, or featured search results? They've already put them into built-in applications, it may not be as far away as you think.


Molten Core Raider
Do you think I'll still be able to click on network settings and have zero settings about networks appear?
haha, that was the last drop for me and made me go back to w7. I fuck with network settings 100 times a day at work and not having any options on right click made me rage.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
GIS power user



Lord Nagafen Raider
haha, that was the last drop for me and made me go back to w7. I fuck with network settings 100 times a day at work and not having any options on right click made me rage.
why not just right click the network icon in the notification area?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't disagree that the "metro" ui isn't a good interface. I guess the disconnect comes from the fact that you can use the OS in the same way you used windows 7 with no issues at all. As a "power user" I don't see why you would go back into the start screen when you are already at the desktop to get to any settings.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
UI elements should be intuitive. Most of the new features in Windows 8 aren't intuitive, even for a power user, so... yeah.


Trump's Staff
"Power users" are generally nerdcores that love keyboard shortcuts and using cmd or terminal, so what part of that is harder in Windows 8?

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I'll try this again, for those that can't read.

The new features in Windows 8 -- that is, the UI elements unique to Win8 -- aren't intuitive. What that has to do with keyboard shortcuts or a command prompt, I don't know.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Basically everything that was supposed to be cool and new about Win8 is a massive piece of shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Windows 8 is very intuitive - on a touch screen. I was using my laptop windows 8 exactly like 7 until I got a Windows 8 tablet and found out all the tricks I could do. I still have 7 on my PC but mainly just because I'm lazy.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Really like the new store UI so far in 8.1, as well as the reworked search too.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Also, if you have any problems running things right after installing 8.1, be sure to install and windows updates. Steam wouldn't work until I did, for example.


I brought my mother in law out for a new laptop yesterday. Uses her current old machine (xp) for gmail, skype, facebook and messenger. Mostly to communicate with relatives. Pretty much the target market.

Her reaction to Windows 8 (which was similar to the 2 other couples browsing laptops and tablets)

WTH is with all the boxes (metro)?

I don't like all these extra steps and new menus. Why is everything listed like that? Its so different, I really don't like how it looks. It all blends in together.

Why is that hidden like that?

Ok so I click the E for internet?

Where are my bookmarks?

They have to go with all the boxes? That is stupid why would I want to clutter that up more than it already is? The old one made more sense and worked better.

So there are two computers then? This desktop thing that they stripped down and the boxes? Who the hell thought that was a good idea it to add all this half baked new stuff with less features and more confusion while removing the stuff that worked well like the old version. I don't like this.

Where is the Start button? So I have to go back to the boxes to do x? Forget this.

What is that over there?

Me: Some android tablets

Oh wow so easy to use and look how neat that looks I can have the weather on my screen. Push that for skype, push that for face book, push that to go back. Wow this is so easy.

Can I get a keyboard? Ok thanks you for bringing me I think the tablet will work better, can you grab that for me and lets go check out.
Windows 8 is a fucking nightmare for those of us with parents / in-laws who need new computers. I spent a day trying to figure that shit out with my mom, ended up installing Start8 or some other Win 7 theme to make it work 90% like Win 7. I still get a call a week because some stupid program insists on running in the metro interface instead of the desktop interface and it confuses the hell out of her.