Winter 2015 Anime Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hm, not sure what to think about Tokyo Ghoul 2. Does this first episode follow the manga at all, or will it be a new story?


Trakanon Raider
The second season is a anime original story, not sure if they are going to include much if anything from the manga.


Life's a Dream
So I caught up with Parasyte. The chick with the ear muffs was definitely the cute one of the group. Stupid, but cute. She was going to be a goer also, if she didn't go and fuck it up by being dumb. Poor Izumi. He now suffers for her being dumb.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The second season is a anime original story, not sure if they are going to include much if anything from the manga.
Uh? been some months since ive read the manga, but it seem to me it pretty much follows it (at least on the first episode). I mean there are some differences but same as the first part had compared to the manga. Dont think there going to be major plot changes (well i dont remember he joined aogiri like that tho). Considering also the sequel of the manga is going on atm, always with kaneki as main char i think (havent read it yet), and considering how successfull tokyo ghoul been prob there going to be a 2nd season (or third if u consider this the 2nd).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hmm interesting, i stand corrected then. Well in a way its a good thing, tokyo ghouls ending part of manga was quite a mess sort of, and imho very much rushed. Looking forward to it. Tho it say also tokyo ghoul:re has a totally new main char, as i said havent read it myself yet, but chatter around said it was still kaneki (under a different name/amnesia plot or something like that), guess ill start to read it a bit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
on another note, impressed with death parade.. awesome graphic and animations, and bit strange story (made me think back at nightmare cafe if anyone ever seen it). will keep watching it.


Life's a Dream
It's a really fucked up story. I was a bit confused with the end, though.

So she won and he lost. That's easy enough to understand. But when they got into the elevators, she was on the evil one, and he on the smiley face one?

So by winning, you technically lose, I guess? Also, it seemed like there was all kinds of voodoo/magic at play, causing them to hit one another.


Lord Nagafen Raider
hmmm. i dont think the game result had any impact on the final judgment, but was only to reveal the true nature of them. Or so that is how i percieved it. She kept lying till the end till the moment she thought she had won, and the game show both their true colors. Judgment was bout what they did while they were alive, the guy while acting a bit fucked up in the bar, was a ok person in life, yeh he caused the crash but no purposely.. she was a real bitch so well...

Bout magic, well technically, the bar is a sort of gateway before your soul going to its next place, so supernatural things like that are kinda not so strange? The rules of the game, and the pain they caused and how they caused it was just a way to reveal themself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, I agree with Nyn about Death Parade. I hope the characters that run the Bar are interesting, because seeing a show each week that is only about revealing the true nature of those who died would be pretty dull. Hoping Aldnoah doesn't disappoint.


Vyemm Raider
AldNoah - saw this shit coming from a mile away. There was just no fuckin way they would kill him off, and the blood thing was obvious to happen also, its sad that this became predictable but its still good.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah the Orange Knight thing was already an idea a ways back. But now we have the princess being Best Princess and Slaine can die like a bitch at the end of this season.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
So I am a tad confused... How did they re-active the Aldnoah drive in the ship? Am I missing something here?

EDIT: Was it the blood on the piece of paper? It almost seemed like Inaho activated it?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Royals have control over the power of aldnoah, but they can grant the ability to use and activate it to the knights. That's why they had the flashback to Inaho giving mouth-to-mouth to Best Princess, because bodily fluid transfer is involved in the process. Whether it was 100% Inaho as a knight or knight + royal blood it doesn't matter they can spin it any way they want since they showed Best Princess' body being clinically alive.


Vyemm Raider
Blood splatter from Princess got on Inaho and entered his wounds is what it looks like. Likewise it could be the kiss making the system think they are "bound" by an oath? Who knows but with the blood splatter convo that popped up when they wondered why it happened im going with that.

Fuck Slaine, let that Wakandan die - I wonder what excuse he will come up with when she wakes up.


Trakanon Raider
eh, I mean I like that Inaho is alive on one hand but the shitty plot armor and the show relying a bit too much on convenience bothers me on the other. Either way just happy its back hah.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
eh, I mean I like that Inaho is alive on one hand but the shitty plot armor and the show relying a bit too much on convenience bothers me on the other.
Yea, I liked this first episode, but it kinda dulled the impact of the first seasons ending. It seems to me that Inaho is already suspecting that the Princess is alive, or at least that the Princess they see on the broadcast isn't the real one. All in all, I am optimistic that this season will be great.