Witcher 3

and for the love of god getSavegame manager at The Witcher 2 Nexus - mods and communityto clean up your savegame folder when you get to 20+ saves, they easily eat up your disk space

download this fileand put it in witcher 2/CookedPC/abilities

edit it and look under the #Various group until you find this line

<max_weight mult="false" always_random="false" min="XXX" max="XXX"/>

where "XXX" is Geralts carry weight
you can edit that number (500 here) to any amount you wish to increase or decrease it


<Silver Donator>
I used to still be sure Elder scrolls was the number 1 RPG franchise... After Witcher 2 and now this I am not so sure.
Different genres imo, Elder scrolls is a lot more sandboxy, open ended world than Witcher 1 or 2 were. 3 is supposed to be like that, so that might change. I think a better comparison is Dragon age and Witcher, they're both heavily story driven RPGs with interesting combat but fairly linear and limited worlds. Dragon age1 was better than Witcher 1 imo(but then again witcher 1 was really a budget game), Witcher 2 definitely beats DA2 though. I would say Witcher 3 is gonna destroy DA3, even if DA3 isn't as bad as DA2. Will need to wait and see though. Shit's not even releasing this year, there's plenty of stuff to play before that. By the time it releases there might even be a new Elder Scrolls being announced.


That guy
Different genres imo, Elder scrolls is a lot more sandboxy, open ended world than Witcher 1 or 2 were. 3 is supposed to be like that, so that might change. I think a better comparison is Dragon age and Witcher, they're both heavily story driven RPGs with interesting combat but fairly linear and limited worlds. Dragon age1 was better than Witcher 1 imo(but then again witcher 1 was really a budget game), Witcher 2 definitely beats DA2 though. I would say Witcher 3 is gonna destroy DA3, even if DA3 isn't as bad as DA2. Will need to wait and see though. Shit's not even releasing this year, there's plenty of stuff to play before that. By the time it releases there might even be a new Elder Scrolls being announced.
Bit off topic but since you mentioned it... I'm really curious to see what DA3 has to offer at E3. We all know what to expect for Witcher 3 (ie Witcher 2 continued with improvements, but in true CD Projekt Red fashion turn the awesome up to 11), but DA3 has been pretty tight lipped so far.


Trakanon Raider
Bit off topic but since you mentioned it... I'm really curious to see what DA3 has to offer at E3. We all know what to expect for Witcher 3 (ie Witcher 2 continued with improvements, but in true CD Projekt Red fashion turn the awesome up to 11), but DA3 has been pretty tight lipped so far.
Can you actually believe anything they show on E3 with EA's track record ? Well, that kind of applies to any AAA game shown by a big publisher, it's not about gamers, it's about making sure "analysts" give you a favourable future.


<Silver Donator>
Bit off topic but since you mentioned it... I'm really curious to see what DA3 has to offer at E3. We all know what to expect for Witcher 3 (ie Witcher 2 continued with improvements, but in true CD Projekt Red fashion turn the awesome up to 11), but DA3 has been pretty tight lipped so far.
Right, they've shown the engine and some bits of combat footage I think it was last E3 but that was a while ago, I'm also slightly looking forward to what they do cause if they get their head out of their asses, they might make a pretty solid game. I didn't hate everything about DA2, if the game had taken a year more to make I think they could have made an actually good game, fuckers rushed that way too much. DA3 though isn't being rushed it seems, so it might come out pretty good. That said, Witcher 3 looks monstruous, especially since they decided to go with the open world thing and shit, that's why I don't think DA3 will be better.


Trakanon Raider
This game is just going to change my gaming life. I will remember life before Witcher 3, and life after it. I'd never make such a ridiculous statement, but I honestly believe this has >80% chance of being a game I think I'll still mention in 10 years. The guys as CD Projekt Red are legit, they make games I just want to give them money for because they have repeatedly given more and more value in full priced sales. Steam also has the 10% preorder +5% per witcher game if you own them. I don't even give a shit if they delay this game again.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I honestly think that I'm more excited about Cyberpunk 2077 than I am Witcher 3.


Trakanon Raider
I read the article, and really I don't expect this game to be perfect, just perhaps the best blend of different qualities that we have yet played. Part of the issue with large open world games in general is that the combat is a very real secondary aspect to the entire experience. GTA's gunplay for example, Skyrim's combat or just the Elderscrolls games in general, And even Witcher 1 and 2. On the flip side you have games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden that have absolutely amazing combat systems - very challenging very engaging but not exactly the wrapper you can put on an RPG. There is a fine line between making an RPG too action oriented, too slow, or too simple.

From a personal perspective, if their world has enough content to make you feel like exploring it is a rewarding experience then they will have accomplished what I hope on that front. If the combat is aesthetically pleasing and reasonably tactical with a few more awesome monster fights like the boss in Witcher 2, I think that's a win as well. Certainly there will be flaws, and to be honest a random quest here or there that doesn't have the same "tone" as the main story is no deal breaker to me. Part of playing RPG's for me has always been enjoying them for the qualities they share with books or movies rather than the qualities they share with other video game genres.


Avatar of War Slayer
I honestly think that I'm more excited about Cyberpunk 2077 than I am Witcher 3.
I might be. I didn't really like Witcher 1 as I've noted. Got 2 on sale, and haven't played it yet. And I can't deny Witcher 3 vids, look amazing. so preordered.

But, didn't like Witcher in the first place. I may bitch about the directions Dragon/Mass Effect went. But I FINISHED the ones I played. Witcher 1, I did not.
Bioware made the "make your own character" joke. and I am not going to lie. That is a factor. I don't like playing as 40 yr old grey haired white dudes. So it might have its story around him.. But, it does detract for me. My dragonborne's were MY dragonbornes. And each one was different, etc.

Definitely a big fan of cyberpunk.


Registered Hutt
I like the goal they seem to be after, but I have not really appreciated their execution of it so far.


Molten Core Raider
If the Witcher 3 is anywhere close to the jump in improvement over 2, that 2 was over 1, it'll be the game of the year, hands down, and maybe the best RPG of the past decade. 2 was just night & day better than 1. If you haven't played 2, do it ASAP.


A Mod Real Quick
I absolutely hated the Witcher 1, tried it so many times and just got bored within the hour. At $3.99 I couldn't pass up The Witcher 2.


Molten Core Raider
Is it sad that I watched that trailer and all I was thinking was "hmm, i really rather play a Disgaea game".....something is broke within me but I just don't enjoy first person games no matter how amazing they look. I tried Witcher 2 and was extremely impressed but I still didn't make it far in....I switched some some horribly produced JRPG on the psp at the time or something that let me build a team and slew the dragon with horrible graphics and a poor story but something just draws me to those games instead of these AAA's. Damn me, damn me to hell!