Thanks! 7 minutes in but have to take a break to get dinner ready.
The model he exports from the website is what I can do with my work software, but cool to see it as a web service. The greyscale model he just started showing off around 7 minutes is exactly what I'm hoping some CNC software will accept. I can make those as easy as the 3d models, BUT its the easiest way for me to apply graphics and text to a 2.5D model (because I can just use a graphics program and transparency settings to essentially make it a terrain offset). Exactly what I was hoping for and if Vcarve is unique in that respect, I'd definitely go that route
Oh that is cool for sure. I have all the 1/3 arc second DEM data for work. Didn’t occur to me to do CNC stuff like that.
No new hobbies! No! Bad Intrinsic!
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