Dungeons are going to be a real wake-up call for many who never played Vanilla, or even BC. LFG and 15 minute dungeons have spoiled us rotten. Who doesn't remember shit like this trying to get into SM in the mid levels:
Spend 30+ mins in Ironforge looking for a group. Finally find a decent tank, a healer in PVP gear, an arms warrior in greens, a hunter without a pet.
Spend 30+ mins literally running, since someone was either >40 or couldn't afford a mount, add in time spent running back to your corpse after a lvl 60 horde rolfstomped you a few times.
Finally get to the entrance only to have the tank tell you his mommy told him it's bed time and he has to leave.
Spend 15 minutes spamming local in the vain hope of a tank.
Warrior decides to try tanking, in arms, with a 2hander.
Decide to try to get back to IF after wiping 5 times on the first trash mob.
Get lucky and find another tank in only 15 minutes in IF.
Head back, spend 2 hours doing the dungeon, wiping at every other trash mob.
Finally down last boss on fifth attempt, everyone's gear is red, hearth back, log off and cry yourself to sleep in the fetal position.
Good times!
Although, to be honest, if you had a good group, were on Vent or TS, then donig instances was fucking amazing. I remember 2+ hour Maurodon runs that went by like they were 5 minutes.