Why differentiate when you can do both? Welcome to Legion!Rather grind mobs than some weird unimmersive quest about murlocs
Why differentiate when you can do both? Welcome to Legion!Rather grind mobs than some weird unimmersive quest about murlocs
Someone mentioned a “season” approach. I’d roll it out and do up through just Vanilla or maybe TBC. Put in achieves and roll appearances/mounts/etc and season achieve to your account. I’d also probably take out a few things like the Scarab Lord title and such to keep those with the ones that originally earned it
I’d say 1 year or so per season? Then rotate back to clean server and put those toons on your account somehow.
The real problem is how they did xpacs. The way to do this is to launch a Vanilla server/TBC server/Wrath Server etc that lets you create level 1, 60’s, and 70’s. Then you time out a season for each server and it refreshes.
The more you get into the details the more complicated this could get.
do a vote
This is Blizzard, not some emu. They're not going to do a vote. They either have progression in their road map, or they don't.
I mean, how many things about Legion have been absolute dog shit? And how many of those things have been fixed based on community input? Right.
This is how you can tell the people that actually don't play blizzard games apart.Was Legion implemented under a community demanding it for -years-? no.
This is different and an opportunity for them to actually integrate what a community wants from their 'classic' experience.
Blizzard clearly has no idea what they want to do with this (these?) servers.
Why differentiate when you can do both? Welcome to Legion!
Cuz the retarded murloc quest is unimmersive.
I'm a curmudgeonous neckbeard that doesn't need retarded G rated cringe fests in my Warcraft. Humor is fine, see WC2's brand of it.
EQ does that if you didn't know which is why I think that is being brought up.This is Blizzard, not some emu. They're not going to do a vote. They either have progression in their road map, or they don't.