I was literally the first kill of Lucifron if that helps you realize who you are arguing with.The idea that 2004 knowledge is the same as 2019 knowledge is laughable, just laughable, j genuinely don't know how you can say that with a straight face
That line of thinking suggests theory crafting wasn't a thing, because why theory craft if you know all there is to know lol.
As for my status in vanilla, I can link the web archive guild site posts if you want to know exactly when we killed stuff. Tigole pmed me on the old boards in Jan 05 wanting to know how we bugged out Lucifron for our first kill. Or you can aska c i d.f l y about our progression, up to you
"You aren’t going to outgear or outplay cloaks at BWL launch. "
Literally from earlier on my guild discord
"Onyxia cloaks will be annoying as well, need to do 13 man raids for scales >quick nefarian loot"
"Fusion did that strat where everyone dies or hearths out and 3 ppl get the kill"
"Also we did the ony shit in reign from day 1 it's how we had viskags on all our melee. We'd kill ony 5 or 6 times a week like that"
"thinking it’s the most accurate representation of how Classic will launch."
I've never said private servers are 100% accurate, but I don't believe they're so different that they're totally unreliable
I cba to keep arguing this point.
The simple answer is that everyone knows how Onyxia works, how deep breath works, when the lands etc, nobody is going to be doing dumb stuff. Everyone has instant access to all strategies.
To keep making the claim that everyone knew this in vanilla makes me think you're trolling
I love how your guild is planning Ony cloaks for BWL as if it will launch week 1 despite it being time gated and no idea the attrition of your guild in the first month.
It just goes to show the autists you play with that are just as stupid as you are.
Didn't you see that streamer Tipsout guild planning shit that was posted a while back? I was most shocked at their plan to have 15 players at max level in Un'Goro 24/7 doing nothing but skinning devilsaurs.
They think they're going to do this because they did it on private servers ignoring the fact how many more people are going to actually be playing and how many people are going to make it their specific mission to grief guilds like theirs.
Numerous private servers have had more concurrent players with zero sharding/layering than Classic servers and have had large groups of players specifically griefing certain tryhard guilds so this is just wrong.They think they're going to do this because they did it on private servers ignoring the fact how many more people are going to actually be playing and how many people are going to make it their specific mission to grief guilds like theirs.
Look man, I really dislike squished head off-white toothed Ossoi. But I think the real answer here is in the middle.
I can't believe the world first Lucifron was thrown around, mostly because I'm sad I missed it. I play(ed) a lot with skimmins/lowball, and he was in the guild when that was all going on. He regaled us with many awesome stories about how you guys had to stop.
But the game is different now, the people are different, the skillcap is different.
I genuinely can't believe this is being debated
I was literally the first kill of Lucifron if that helps you realize who you are arguing with.
I was there when we were told to leave the zone even though Onyxia would have been dead because people wouldn’t understand a guild killing things ao fast when their leader was on the dev team.
We all “knew” how everything worked back then and still did umb shit.
Have you ever played Everquest? It’s a 20 year old game this year. They have a server mode called TLP which is Time Locked Progression and it is very similar to what WoW is doing here. Those launch raids are designed in crayon compared to the launch WoW raids. People STILL wipe to them out of stupidity, ineptness, undergeared, and overconfident. You know how many times wipes happen and we pinpoint the cause and we hear the following: “I was in the guild that killed it the fastest on this one emu server and it works like this” and then proceed to explain it wrong? Or they claim they are BiS and you look at their gear and they stacked the wrong stat or weighted one too heavy despite it being common sense or did negative defensive stats so sure their damage is good but they don’t survive a single whelp flying by?
You don’t have the slightest clue. You are an autistic mongoloid stalker with obsessive tendencies. You will come in here week 2 though and claim you were right if a single guild clears MC and ignore the fact that 4,500 guilds take two months instead.
Northdale has 10k+ people online and has players on during every time zone - hence greater competition for spawns than a regular blizzard server (assuming population caps is same as vanilla)
Numerous private servers have had more concurrent players with zero sharding/layering than Classic servers and have had large groups of players specifically griefing certain tryhard guilds so this is just wrong.
I imagine it's going to go a lot like the horde guild I lead after the grueling progression to Nefarian on alliance from open through 2005. .