- 10,023
- 17,087
Queues on Whitemane are only like 3k at 8est. I'm thinking they'll largely be gone by next weekend.
FUCK U IM 5500th IN QUEUE ATM!!111!!
See you artards in 2 hours ;_;
- 1
Queues on Whitemane are only like 3k at 8est. I'm thinking they'll largely be gone by next weekend.
FYI: Mouseover healing is allowed, just the automatic target selection of Decursive was killed. Install the classic version of the addon Clique and bind your mouse keys to your heals/macros, or do your "/cast [@mouseover] Heal" macros by hand.BTW is the whack a mole healing allowed in vanilla?
I got kicked off while afk and came back to a 4500 Q. about 45 minutes ago.
Are they one of the latin servers?
Nah, fairbanks is pretty good so far.
Thunderstomp from gorilla is priceless for me for high level farming/XP, makes a great AE taunt.Boar is my go to and for PvP(bgs and lv60 fuckery) ill be getting that 1.0 atk speed cat from badlands. Boar is IMO best for leveling and shit because it has charge, pretty good def and good armor, not the best deeps, but the charge thing makes up for it IMO because you zoom from mob to mob quicker shaving off tons of time from lv10-60.
They designed themselves into a corner with Talent points. With an expansion raising the level cap by 10, how can you justify not adding another 10 talent points to each player? You can't, they'd cry murder. But you also need to provide new talent levels. Not with TBC, could have probably fit 61 talent points in a classic build, but by level 80 at the latest you need new stuff.
- Ruining the talent system with MoP. Or was it Cata? Whenever they started to squish things and then take away the points system entirely. EDIT: Definitely Cataclysm. 31/10 when you're lvl 80? Fuck you.
I played Shadow Priest in late Vanilla and it was tough trying to sell Vampiric Embrace group healing and offhealing as a selling point. TBC mana battery stuff was amazing and made the class really valuable and enjoyable in raids.Part of the love for TBC/WotLK is because many classes really came into their own around that time. Some classes are pretty clunky to play in vanilla (warrior stance dancing to name but one example). One of the high points of the game for me was playing a TBC era shadow priest, which was both fun to play and had good group synergy because they provided mana regeneration, which was still very useful at the time. Also one of the rare times where they actually gave classes more interdependence and distinctiveness rather than less.
Afterwards, they started removing anything distinctive and got on their "everyone needs a secondary resource to manage!!1!" phase where the game became more about juggling things in the interface then about interacting with the world, and the game become all the worse for it.
They designed themselves into a corner with Talent points. With an expansion raising the level cap by 10, how can you justify not adding another 10 talent points to each player? You can't, they'd cry murder. But you also need to provide new talent levels. Not with TBC, could have probably fit 61 talent points in a classic build, but by level 80 at the latest you need new stuff.
So at level 70 you need new talents. And those talents must top the previous 31 talent final skills. GL topping mortal strike. And then at level 80 GL topping the thing that topped mortal strike.
That system could have never worked forever.
Just had this happen on Stalagg
I declined but now I wish I had clicked accept to see what this fine gentleman has to say
Meh, they could of reworked them every expansion, gave everyone a full refund and respec. Shit, they have what, 2 yrs between every exp pack to come up with something other than removing them or just dumbing down the system to what it is today? I mean, might as well not even have them last time I played. They could of simply added a brand new tree every expansion, kind of like a bonus TBC tree with one or two new skills or some shit to choose from.
They designed themselves into a corner with Talent points. With an expansion raising the level cap by 10, how can you justify not adding another 10 talent points to each player? You can't, they'd cry murder. But you also need to provide new talent levels. Not with TBC, could have probably fit 61 talent points in a classic build, but by level 80 at the latest you need new stuff.
So at level 70 you need new talents. And those talents must top the previous 31 talent final skills. GL topping mortal strike. And then at level 80 GL topping the thing that topped mortal strike.
That system could have never worked forever.
Rather, they should’ve added gear pieces/sets with abilities attached to them. Or even sets that unlocked new 'talent trees' you could grind through, but required you to wear that gear.