Hardcore mode in wow seems pointless, unless you're racing for speed where you are forced to take risks it's not possible to die while questing.
It's happens to me, but mostly because I am watching TV or posting on FOH while questing.Hardcore mode in wow seems pointless, unless you're racing for speed where you are forced to take risks it's not possible to die while questing.
Jom Gabbar got nuked due to Gold Buying:
I cancelled my account. Made it to 30 on my mage. I really needed a friend or two to hang with but all of them were like... Nope.I wasn't really going anywhere anyway after I got my cheap horse but once I started talking to people and found out how borked the honor grind was that was it for me. Handing out some vacations is fine but the whole Season of Mastery thing is kind of shit.
I cancelled my account. Made it to 30 on my mage. I really needed a friend or two to hang with but all of them were like... Nope.
Jom Gabbar got nuked due to Gold Buying:
Same. I hit 36 and cancelled. I was playing super casually anyways and and everyone already quit so didnt really have a desire to log on. Running around STV and seeing no one to kill was reason enough to cancel.I cancelled my account. Made it to 30 on my mage. I really needed a friend or two to hang with but all of them were like... Nope.
More QQ:
Chain heal also.I forgot how insanely broken shamans are in classic PVP with chain lightning. That shit is criminal.