World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well they had to release 7.2 when they did or they wouldn't be able to simultaneously release ToS raid (the conclusion of the 11 week long campaign) with FFXIV's new expansion. From that perspective, the rushed, buggier-than-usual patch makes sense.


@Alkorin and I were talking about PTR the other day and he made a great point, I really do think they need to make PTR have testing for specific things or else the ptr is going to be all raid testing and that's it. Which is fantastic news for raiders! But what about.. the rest of the game. They need to make specific days like "Today we're testing a new affix"

How some of the problems (not even bugs, just over-tuned messes and poor thought-out ideas) made it through a PTR that has been up for MONTHS is beyond me.


How some of the problems (not even bugs, just over-tuned messes and poor thought-out ideas) made it through a PTR that has been up for MONTHS is beyond me.
Some of that is because they tossed things in there that probably weren't even on PTR to begin with.

They are getting way way way too confident about internal testing.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Second invasion of the day on EU realms.
We got Val'Sharah between midnight and 6am, and now Aszuna starting 6pm.

That's kinda perfect as it's the last one I need. In the end, I will have done the achievement in 4 days, which is not that bad.
Thankfully, the achieve is no longer needed. But apparently, you need to have done at least one to open up the follow-up Hall Campaign.


French Madman
Thankfully, the achieve is no longer needed. But apparently, you need to have done at least one to open up the follow-up Hall Campaign.

In the end got the achieve yesterday while I'm not even half way to revered. Almost sad it's no longer useful haha.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
as of yesterday i am still unable to do any invasions on my main character.

I am submitting bug reports daily but apparently blizzard doesn't care.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
hah, did a turn-in for a relinquished trinket on my DK as frost yesterday and got that Nature's Call thing from Cenarius. Rustled me a bit, but then got another one today for the fuck of it, and got an 885 Ethereal Urn with Mastery as a secondary and a socket. Of course that has a 3 min cooldown effect to break Fear, so pure sauce.

As far as the Legendary follower gear, I've gotten a couple half-assed ones (100g and shorter missions for example), but the other day I got a good one. Cloak of Concealment - 15% success to all missions, and 15% success against missions with spells.


A Mod Real Quick
The best part about raid tuning for TOS is they did that shit right when the top guilds were pushing M Guldan hard. Even Method said they didn't go in there and do much (or any, can't remember) raid testing.

TOS should be full of wonderful surprises.


Guess the class hall quests are active and a lot of them are suffering from mob tagging issues with so many people trying to do them at once. Hopefully it thins out by the time I'm off work!

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
got an 885 Ethereal Urn with Mastery as a secondary and a socket.

Urn always has mastery, which is why it was so amazing for so many classes. ass rogues/prot wars/monks/dps demonhunters/hunters all wanted it because it was a surefire way to ensure a 870+ stat stick.

I've gotten an 885 agi/crit stat stick and an 885 eye of guarm with agi/mastery over the last few days so i cant complain. someone in the guild ended up with an 880 arcanocrystal.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
also the nerfs to the tank challenge makes it seem decently easy now.

they nerfed the inquisitors hp by 10% and the mana fiends hp by 20%. thats a pretty substantial nerf, the hardest part for me was keeping the manafiends dead before the next wave came out.


A Mod Real Quick
also the nerfs to the tank challenge makes it seem decently easy now.

they nerfed the inquisitors hp by 10% and the mana fiends hp by 20%. thats a pretty substantial nerf, the hardest part for me was keeping the manafiends dead before the next wave came out.
Yeah the manafiends fucked me up the most


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Oh hey, another pandaren monk follower.


Side notes for the monk champion questline:

1) use the actual Detox spell on people in the brewery. I forgot wtf the name was in the first place so I was clueless.
2) use the storm brew on the spreaders and fire elementals. My thing actually said "quest item" and not an actual usage effect. It still worked like an item.
3) the Alchemist does some sort of double attack for 2.5m -> 3mil hp, so make sure you're not low or you'll join the corpse pile I came across lol.

For some reason, after I clicked to upgrade to add another champion limit, my Hall said 6/6. Not sure what that was about.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this is what your referring to, but from the sound of it just getting your new follower unlocks a champion slot and then the upgrade will give you another additional slot so you can have up to 7 vs 6. Apparently this was added late in the PTR after everyone had already done all this and didn't do t again after it reset or something.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
For some reason, after I clicked to upgrade to add another champion limit, my Hall said 6/6. Not sure what that was about.

I am guessing that adding the new one bumped it to 6 and the order hall thing will take it to 7.

Either that or it is a bug and I will be sad.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
I hope you guys are right. I'm going through the hunter's quest now and we'll see. Tried to do the death knight but it turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Apparently its a shared instance and a tag fest. Absolute aids with a side of aids.


A Mod Real Quick
I hope you guys are right. I'm going through the hunter's quest now and we'll see. Tried to do the death knight but it turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Apparently its a shared instance and a tag fest. Absolute aids with a side of aids.
Maybe once this expansion they'll do something right the first time

God damn incompetence


Got something right about marriage
So I went to broken shore to pick up the new class orderhall shit (Thanks blizzard for making me fly to talk to Maiev just so she can tell me to go back to my orderhall!).

Go back to my orderhall, see the exclamation mark for who I need to talk to but it's not on the first level of my DK order hall so I go to the second level. The exclamation mark disappeared and is nowhere to be found now even after loggin out and logging back in.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Yep, its 6/6 before upgrade. As soon as I recruited Night-hotness Syrenne for my hunter, it activated.

Khane, it was Mograine that gave me the mission. If he's not there, you may have to wait? God I hope not dude. I got lucky if that's so, didn't use him for a mission yet.

Maybe once this expansion they'll do something right the first time

God damn incompetence

The DK one is glorious with incompetence. The quest-giver might not be there because he's a mission dude. Then you go to this instance where the frost wyrm you need gets insta-gibbed. You also have to kill enemies that have slow and few spawns, THEN click them to rez them. Everyone can click them. Its all one shared instance too, so there's at least a hundred other DKs to hang out with (mine was mostly Alliance!).

Funny thing, apparently word is a pvp cluster has a hundred Horde holding the tunnel leading to the area with frost wyrm spam and death grip pinballing. lol'd hard. I hope someone's got video.


Got something right about marriage
Yea he still gave me the quest once I figured out it was him I needed to talk to but no exclamation. Weird bug.