Gear optimisation has always been the same, the more informed know better. Thottbot, Curse, Elitist Jerks, Wowhead, IcyVeins, AskMrRobot and whatnot. I think it's what build layers between the super casual player who doesn't give a damn and the hardcore tryhard player willing to get that 0.1% upgrade. Since Cataclysm they've been streamlined theorycrafting to the bone when nowadays even with non-opti talents or gear your "gamer experience" isn't seriously gimped.
I totally understand players who can't be arsed googling their builds to get the most of it, but you also kind of have to cater to commited / tryhard / hardcore players running the gear treadmill game to its pulp. It's 2017 WoW, they have to cater to the largest playerbase. I'm not saying they made good choices, but not having to read 76 pages of EJ theorycraft nowadays sure is better. Some would say RP games are about choices and commitment.
What WoW would really benefit is account blanket achievements like in GW2, where it doesn't matter if you got that achievement / geargate on your monk, you SHOULDNT have to unlock it on your paladin. It's just tedious because of database management.