Talking about Jainia... how many RTS characters are actually left?
I think the Alliance characters who were in the Warcraft 2 expansion are all still alive. All the other characters from the first two games are dead? Is Garona alive and was she even playable in Warcraft 1?
Then we got Thrall, Jainia, Bronzebeard, Sylvanas and all the Night Elves from Warcraft 3?
Who is going to go mad from THE CORRUPTION next? Alleria, Sylvanas and Jainia? I'm really fucking surprised Maiev made it alive given she was an antagonist in Warcraft 3 (didn't play Legion, is this right?).
I hope Jaina gets Old God corrupted and summons N'Zoth. Just because I love so much that Garrosh was able to use Old God powers and not get corrupted. He was just an asshole Orc Warrior. #RememberGarrosh #ThrallCheated
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