So last night was my first venture into Mythic and I see everyone saying how easy Manor is so I signed up to that one, got to the first boss and fuck me as a Hpala I just could not keep up I was using every CD, just spaming away people just taking so much damage logs showed me a 10k hps for a 4 mintiue fight, this happened a few times just could not work what how the group was taking so much damage from the sisters. Gave up in the end thought it was just on me but not sure how I would be expect to heal that given the tool set a Hpala has, there was one spell where the whole grp would take like 80% damage then you have the other sisters fiiring off spells at the sametimes it would jsut be one shot, cd would not be up for each time it went off. I am sure the group was missing something damage for sure but also in terms of mechincs
I smash heroics not even a effort to heal them I tell tanks to pull massive packs and we burn through the instances really quick but mythic the whole group takes way to much damage all the time. It was only one dungeon and to be honest I think the dps were shit no one above 5k on the sister fight and i can do more then that on reti spec with 2888 ilvl weapon but when legion launched I don't remeber mythic 0 being that hard