engineeers can make 2 typesAnyone know how to get follower equipment? It says on the interface that it can be crafted or bought in the AH, but there doesn't seem to be a category for it.
The stuff from legion doesn't work, I tried.
engineeers can make 2 typesAnyone know how to get follower equipment? It says on the interface that it can be crafted or bought in the AH, but there doesn't seem to be a category for it.
The stuff from legion doesn't work, I tried.
I did Freehold last night as a tank. Every once in a while I would get knocked up in the air and a mob would drop agro down to 60% or something. That's going to be annoying at higher keys.
Good to know, was doing random heroics and the DPS players were getting truckedThey fixed that this patch. It completely wiped aggro before, was a bug. You won't lose any now.
I was fortunate to finish all the mythical last night with a guild group and I do agree that the people running them right now are not going to be your average player. With that said having to PUG some of these could suck.
The orb in temple can bug out and go up on a cliff side you can’t reach bricking your run and also they can sometimes just randomly despawn or spawn inside terrain. Apparently all reported in the beta, still not fixed.
My SO was having a hell of a time on sisters in manor as a H pal in her mythic group. I think it’s a combo of lowish dps and not helping with trying to interrupt most of the casts. The magic damage is real for that fight and really is the harder ones to heal in manor.
A part of me wishes that Wildstar had done well, but holy shit did it make my hands literally twitch after leveling a Medic to max when it first released. I kid you not, my left hand pinky would involuntary spasm.I've been tanking heroics as a prot warrior and it's pretty fucking annoying. I haven't been a prot warrior since Cata, but now I have like 2x as many abilities. Only like 7 in rotation, but then like 9 situational ones that are fucking annoying. Also fuck any sort of ranged mob, ESPECIALLY the kind that can't be interrupted. I don't think I actually take any damage from anything other than uninterrupted skills and me standing in "don't-stand-in-that" shit. All the prot guides, FOR BFA, I read were for single target aggro (Why?) which is retarded as it's just like back in my day where you just AE spam shit until it's nice and angry then roll through defensive rotation.
]Heroic DPS on single targets for PUGS varies from most classes doing 5k-7k, some DH's and shit doing like 10-11k, but mostly PUGS doing like 30% more DPS single target than me as protection. Oh and none of them interrupt, ever. Last MMO I played was Wildstar and I wish even the drooling silver dungeon carries from that game were in these WoW Pugs because at least they knew how to use interrupts, especially without a fucking limited action bar.
I didn't realize the Darkmoon decks were so simple. I was auctioning WTB Blockades for 55k for a while, and when nobody offered it I just looked up the cards, and realized I could make them for 22k each. Bought all the cards and made several and proceeded to sell them for 62k. WTF? Is that how these decks make people money? Ignorance of how they are made?
tl;dr Unequipping gear will make you more powerful in WQ, rares, and other open-world BFA content.
Blizzard has mobs scaling in power to match your bagged iLvL when in open-world BFA content. So, by unequipping high iLvL trinkets, rings, and your Heart of Azeroth, you can reduce your iLvL significantly while keeping your DPS relatively less impacted. The result of this is a lower TTK (faster kill time) on most mobs...
Bungie/Destiny uses the same mob scaling in their games, and of course one of the biggest complaints about progression in that game is that there's no feeling of becoming more powerful. You are always either under-geared, or just good enough. Having full raid gear in Destiny means you're just as viable as someone who just hit max level. Now that same mechanic is in BFA (was in Legion too), but is implemented in a far worse way.
This is poor game design. There is no feeling of power progression, just a grind with for a number that no longer has meaning. Equipping more powerful gear should always result in an increased feeling of power. This is a core concept of an RPG, and Blizzard has intentionally undermined it.
Edit: I'm getting hate PMs for "exposing the exploit". If this is what it takes get this stupid scaling mechanic removed, then so be it.
Edit2: You have to bank or sell your gear for mobs to scale back down. Bagging your gear will not affect iLvL scaling. (thanks /u/lovemaker69 )
Edit3: Blizzard's defense on this topic from Legion:
And even for the Mythic-geared bringer of death and destruction, when everything dies nearly instantly, you spend more time looting corpses than you do making them. You spend an order of magnitude longer traveling to a quest location than you do killing the quest target. You stop using your core class abilities and instead focus on spamming instants to tap mobs as quickly as possible before they dieSo this is all because Blizzard felt top-tier players were too powerful for open-world content... It just seems like a very trivial thing to make such a substantial change for. Instead of destroying the sense of character progression, add tougher open-world quests and mobs that remain challenging even for top-tier players.
And this isn't getting fixed any time soon, it was addressed in March of 2017 by Blizzard rep "Watcher":
Yes, this reflects a deliberate change, but it's also not working exactly as we intended. The scaling may be too steep, and the fact that unequipping a piece of gear can ever be helpful is a bug in the system. We'll be looking into making changes to correct this in the very near future.That fix that came in the near future? It was to monitor your bag iLvL for mob scaling, instead of equipped iLvL. To re-iterate, instead of addressing the problem that unequipping gear made you more powerful, they simply made it more difficult to abuse the system. You can still become more powerful by taking your rings off, it just takes a few extra steps now.
She can target you and type /focusThank you guys for the Elvui suggestion, I have weak aura's installed as well. My wife is playing a disc priest and she want to be able to track and apply atonement buff to me the tank in an easier fashion than having to target me. I'm reading up on mouseover macro's but is there a way to set it up so she can see the buffs on me or gets a timer countdown on the atonement on me without having to target me?
Appreciate the help, still so new a lot of the stuff out there seems overwhelming to a lvl 30
On the subject of DPS, I have nfc what I'm doing wrong, but even the SimCraft stuff says I'm not too far behind target for DPS. What I don't understand is how I'm sim'ing at roughly 6-7k for Affliction yet I see Affliction Warlocks in comparable gear (i320ish) doing over 8k? I feel like I'm missing something but I just can't see it. EDIT - To clarify on sim'ing, I'm setting it for completely unbuffed; just gear, Azerite traits, 1 boss Patchwerk style and that's it.
They really want to see how many people they can get to quit it seems.
Yeah, I've been forced to admit to myself I really was clueless on how things worked and optimal button pushing and conditions. Four years as a healer in FF14 have really changed how I look at things.If you are getting close to your sims then it's probably not anything worth worrying about. The biggest factor in all these sub 2 min dungeon boss fights will probably be if you managed to pool 5 shards before the pull or not.
Not sure if official, but I had heard the costs will drop 10% per week.I believe we will see the same kinds of catchup AP mechanics we did in legion. Either they tweak the amount needed per level or we get billions and billions per stone at some point.
r/wow - Unequipping Heart of Azeroth and trinkets lowers your TTK on open-world mobs in BFA.
It's stupid this is even a thing. I do feel mobs are hitting a little to hard in the open world. They seem to rip through my mage shield in two-seconds which is annoying.
r/wow - Unequipping Heart of Azeroth and trinkets lowers your TTK on open-world mobs in BFA.
It's stupid this is even a thing. I do feel mobs are hitting a little to hard in the open world. They seem to rip through my mage shield in two-seconds which is annoying.
I've just tried it and it doesn't work : with full gear I'm at 336ilvl, with both rings stored in bank I'm still at 336 on the character sheet. Also with or without rings the mobs health stay the same (49870hp for a north Tiragarde fox) and damage is obviously way higher with rings equipped.