Can't you just kill it again to use the seal?World Boss is active but Seals are not...
I wonder if that's on purpose or if they are planning on "hotfixing" them in later this week. Either way I'm waiting on killing for now.
We haven't been in a position where we couldn't complete a dungeon, but I know my pocket hpal has trouble keeping me up. I think whatever they did to the hpal class along with magic damage nerfs on tanks is a bit out of control. I mean, we did m+15s every week for like two years, but we have issues in m0 when we're already a bit geared (granted, I am only 325).
Additionally having weaker dps right now along with people that don't utilize stuns on difficult mobs is making dungeons a little more difficult.
There are items you can craft, but they use the material you get from the final boss of Mythic dungeons and those are all being devoted to armor etc right now.Anyone know how to get follower equipment? It says on the interface that it can be crafted or bought in the AH, but there doesn't seem to be a category for it.
The stuff from legion doesn't work, I tried.
Last night I did the random normal dungeon and I had a Paladin who couldn't AOE tank. I didn't think it was possible to fuck it up as a Paladin, but apparently you can.
There are many times I wish Mages had a 4th spec that functioned as a healer. I acknowledge the downside of the potential opening one up to be pressured into healing when you don't want to, but not having any viable means to change your fate is itksome..
I mentioned it earlier, but they changed tank threat from 10x DPS to 4x DPS, where a regular DPS class does 1x DPS threat. It is definitely noticable, especially at lower gear levels. I do have to drop my ox statue a lot (if we taunt the statue, we aoe taunt every mob that has threat with it) just because of the threat nerf and I am considered an aoe threat beast of a class.
It's kind of janky because for years now people have grown accustomed to just aoe'ing everything down, but then Blizzard randomly decided they wanted threat to matter again. Mind-boggling change.
The artifact power to get to a given level changes over the duration of the expansion? I remember reading somewhere that they were putting in that as a corollary to the 'research' from Legion in order to try and keep the values from going crazy high.
I realized today that I'm at Artifact level 16 and at with 12k more to go to 17 the weekly Island Expedition reward of 1500 seems paltry, not to mention the Missions for 147.