World of Warcraft: Current Year


Tranny Chaser
Good writeup on the issues that the scrapper, unsurprisingly, has created.

r/wow - The Scrapper has to go. Professions are a mess and need improvement.

I've got tailoring and without the Scrapper I don't see how I could ever get enough Deep Sea Satin / Embroidered Deep Sea Satin to do anything. Combines require a lot of shit and from 110 to 120 I got maybe thirty Deep Sea Satin as drops? I was fucking shocked to see there was a bandage combine that used two of them. Two? Sweet merciful heavens. When I was max level and started trashing everything I had been carrying around it finally made sense. I couldn't believe how much shit the Scrapper kicked out. They had clearly set up the whole thing assuming I'd be throwing everything I got into the infernal machine. I don't really understand why they went that way rather than just having cloth drops and mat requirements both be reasonable. Instead drops are tiny, required mats are substantial, and I straight up depend on the Scrapper to make it all work.

The article doesn't mention this specifically but I'd think a big part of the problem with the Scrapper is that everyone gets tons of surplus Azerite armor and that shit all goes great in the Scrapper. Every Monk, Druid, Demon Hunter, and Rogue regardless of their actual tradeskill professions is throwing all that junk into the thing and getting piles of leather mats back and the amount of people that actually have Leatherworking isn't anywhere near enough for the prices of mats to do anything but tank.


Tranny Chaser
I actually stopped scrapping entirely and just disenchant so that I can up my Enchanter skill... though I'm a bit fuzzy on actually what utility having enchanting will do me ultimately. I do like that they made a disenchant item that we can craft, I wonder if there is a market for it?


<Silver Donator>
Also hilarious the emissary cache reward being a 340 weapon today...but only for certain specs. Hunters get polearm so if you're not Surv fuck you. Druids were only getting int polearm or staff too, I heard. If you aren't boomkin guess you're fucked. Our DH's will be happy though, 1h fist weapon.

Got a fist weapon as an outlaw.


Trakanon Raider
Confirmed. I mean, technically I'm closer to level 20 on my neck, but definitely lost 4-5k raw AP from what my total was within that level. Guess I'm going to try to be as low a percent as possible going into each new week.

Also hilarious the emissary cache reward being a 340 weapon today...but only for certain specs. Hunters get polearm so if you're not Surv fuck you. Druids were only getting int polearm or staff too, I heard. If you aren't boomkin guess you're fucked. Our DH's will be happy though, 1h fist weapon.

Shit I didn't do WQ's yesterday. Think I missed it. Or is it the 330 Order of Embers fist?

Also what are you guys talking about? I don't get it. Go into each week with as low percent as possible?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Shit I didn't do WQ's yesterday. Think I missed it. Or is it the 330 Order of Embers fist?

Also what are you guys talking about? I don't get it. Go into each week with as low percent as possible?

In theory I guess it really doesn't matter. Ideally if you managed to go into next week at 0% into a new level i guess it would be best, but the main idea would be to save any AP WQ's for after a weekly reset that wouldn't have expired by then and do them after 11 am Tuesday...b/c you're just getting more value for it then.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just don’t worry about it. Hold the Sunday and Monday emissaries for turnin on Tuesday. Otherwise, behave normally. People are freaking out over nothing.


I'm personally offended I'm not all raid BIS before the raid even comes out
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well there is certainly something kind of fucked with Tradeskills and AH stuff this xpac so far. Prices have dropped to the fucking ground on almost all crafted items so fucking fast it's unbelievable. That and the fact that BoEs aren't 111 means they are completely fucking worthless which I guess is good for some people. Twinking won't be a thing this xpac but how big of a problem was it that people geared up some 101's to run dungeons? I guess that doesn't fit Blizzards fun parameters which is why they are complete fucking faggots.

Really though you look at even something like enchanting and realize that even on the top enchants the mats cost twice the price of the end item and you know it's beyond fucked up.

Also this is the first time they tokens have fucking tanked like they have in price.
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Tokens pretty obviously tanked in price because so many people are buying them to get long bois.
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Tranny Chaser
Does anyone have experience with the follower equipment that gives a chance for materials upon mission completion? Are they any good?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They are completely not worth making at this juncture. You get shit like "1 of each fish", it's not 100% chance to proc, and they cost a bajillion Expulsom to make. Save your redgoo for making epix.
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Well there is certainly something kind of fucked with Tradeskills and AH stuff this xpac so far. Prices have dropped to the fucking ground on almost all crafted items so fucking fast it's unbelievable. That and the fact that BoEs aren't 111 means they are completely fucking worthless which I guess is good for some people. Twinking won't be a thing this xpac but how big of a problem was it that people geared up some 101's to run dungeons? I guess that doesn't fit Blizzards fun parameters which is why they are complete fucking faggots.

Really though you look at even something like enchanting and realize that even on the top enchants the mats cost twice the price of the end item and you know it's beyond fucked up.

Also this is the first time they tokens have fucking tanked like they have in price.

Well, no fucking shit. Welcome to WoW you dumb fucking Mod. Tradeskills have been fucking worthless for 10 fucking years, where the fuck have you been, besides saying the word fuck on these forums. Fuck me
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Molten Core Raider
So glad im playing this super causal and not pissing my self off with how bad they've seem to done this xpac. Maybe il try and get LFR ready by Tuesday but if not oh well I miss some autism raids with some retarded people
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Imagine a World of fantastical, awesome trade goods. A world these corrupt Admins don't want you to see......

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Trakanon Raider
So glad im playing this super causal and not pissing my self off with how bad they've seem to done this xpac. Maybe il try and get LFR ready by Tuesday but if not oh well I miss some autism raids with some retarded people

That's the way to do it! I haven't even done a Mythic yet and I've only done 1 island expedition. I'm 327, so I could do mythics, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I don't do WQ's every day and one day I missed an emissary quest because I was 3/3. I'm still having a blast and have a lot to do. I split my time between 2 characters, pet battling, transmog hunting in old raids, and the auction house. Works out pretty well. Playing relaxed and casual is just the way to go for WoW nowadays imo.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I've been clearing out all the minor actual quests, only done...3 dungeons? Normal. Cleared emissaries and wq the first time today. 308 ilvl, mostly 50% honored reps. Hardcore casually not giving too many fucks. May have time this evening to run heroics for gears...
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A Mod Real Quick
Everyday I play, I get more and more salty that our neck's ilvl is tied to COA rep. What a stupid design. Actively punished for not playing daily
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