You forget the part where you have to create multiples of the pattern that requires 25 to discover the pattern requiring 250.
One thing I'll say about this freebie gear vs raid gear, it lacks the ideal Azerite traits, which, for my class/spec, comes from the raid only, as does my best weapon, rings, and trinkets. The other slots can be had from M+, though none of the other options can reasonably or reliably produce BiS drops.
If you were lucky, that is. One of my alts got two 340 belts from Arathi (one drop, one from the quest). That's it. No WB drop, no bonus loot. I suspect this is more in line with what the majority of players will experience; some - a few - will simply get a exceptional shower of loot this week.As a casual derp that primarily benefited from these catch up mechanics it really hurt my enjoyment of the expansion thus far to have my meager progress all negated. I was proud of what I had scraped together, the dailies I had ran for the rep to buy 335 gear, and the crawl up from normal to heroic in preparation for mythic and for raiding. Then with Arathi and especially now with these Warfronts it's all irrelevant. I could have done anything else with my time and then been decked out after an evening of Warfronts, the associated quest, and a world boss. This is more of what I expect from the end of an expansion rather than the beginning of one.
Yep, this. The second it becomes a job for me, I'll quit. The pay is shit and the hours are garbage.The enjoyment of the act of raiding seems like a good reason to raid, no? Are you people playing a video game or working a second job?
I don't raid to obtain gear. The gear I receive is a means to an endIs there an actually a good reason to raid in order to obtain gear other than specific drops and mounts? I mean people are getting geared pretty damn well and faster just by doing mythis.
So can you do the Warfront itself more than once after its been unlocked? I've seen things that suggest its a one-and-done for each time its open but then others talk about farming it for 340s...
How is getting a warfront piece any different than getting a mythic chest and completing the quest on LFR for mythic loot? It's even on a 2 week lockout. Also it isn't mythic ilvl.
You can give literally everyone in this game 385 gear for free, more than half of them are still going to be retards and unable to kill heroic entry bosses.
Ahhh... so running Mythic-0 was just a total waste of time and I should have just AFK'd through Warfronts in a couple weeks? Nice.
I don't raid to obtain gear. The gear I receive is a means to an end
You can't be this obtuse right?Ahhh... so running Mythic-0 was just a total waste of time and I should have just AFK'd through Warfronts in a couple weeks? Nice.