You can't be this obtuse right?
"so running Molten Core was just a total waste of time and I should have AFK'd through expansions worth of content several years later? Nice."
Same thing, different time scale.
So if I have been on vacation all week and get home this evening, was like ~340ilvl, what is the single best thing to do before reset? Warfront? Try to pug the raid?
I don't mind catchup mechanics and I like them on my alts. I have just been honestly surprised at how fast they've been introduced this time around.
But if it lets my alts get into, "the game" faster then whatever I guess.
You get 1 piece of 340 per run. Just verified this myself. Got a bow.What the hell kind of luck are you nerds having that you got "decked out in 340+ gear after an evening of Warfronts"? You can only kill those bosses once per week and you may not get a single piece of gear off any of them. I got 1 piece on my main. Meanwhile M+5 drops 355 gear base and is repeatable ad infinitum. And what "poopsocking" was occurring to gear up before that? Running your 10 mythics once per week? You call that poopsocking?
Oh how this forum has fallen. Where's Noodle with the navy seal rant?
Guess I need to run my hunter through warfronts several times until I get get a decent 340 set. Did it once on my BDK and got a 370 cloak. No need to run it anymore on him cause it's no upgrade for me with 340 drops.So can you do the Warfront itself more than once after its been unlocked? I've seen things that suggest its a one-and-done for each time its open but then others talk about farming it for 340s...
Had a pleasant experience leveling my Demon hunter.
My Mage however, not so much. Die like a piece of shit almost every pull.
It sucks because I used to love my mage more.
I ran a few mythic+ with 2 frost mages and it was pure carnage. They are amazing for m+ and I can't see any group pushing m+ not have one.Frost from what I have seen is really really strong for AOE at the moment and seem really good in dungeons.
although I want to punch Scrollsage Nola in the face.
No. Normal AND heroic dungeons are completely pointless; I dinged 120 on saturday, did zero dungeons and am now average ilvl 304. In a week, two maybe, I will probably be sporting an higher ilvl average than heroics. So what's the point of running heroics? None. Zero. You do normal to rush the WQ (if you really want it done), and M/M+ for some gear and crafting components. Heroics? Who cares?Mythic 0 are completely pointless at this point.
I hit revered and did a /cheer on random birds and crabs. Go feed, my pretties!!! It's all yours now!Thank you, hero.
Frost is a much "safer" class to play. All sorts of passive slows, roots, and no mana concerns; but arcane does better damage when played/geared appropriately. Fire was buffed on last patch, but they're still pretty average. Overall though, mage is in a really, really good spot. Now that we have personal loot, bring ALL the mages, lol. With normal drops, being one of the few folks wearing leather was nice. Personal loot, all the same armor type means more sharing.Frost and Arcane are in a great spot. Fire is pretty lackluster so far sadly. I was Fire and shit was eating up my flame shield so quickly. I finally tried the other two specs and they are so much better. I settled on Arcane, but Frost is supposed to be even better.
I barely did any heriocs this expansion. I did about a dozen or so heriocs and went straight into mythic 0/2 and farmed them until I had every slot 340+ ilvl. I'm doing mythic 3 & 4s and will start 5s when I get better gear. I did all this in about 2 weeks time and my ilvl is currently 345 with no raid gear.No. Normal AND heroic dungeons are completely pointless; I dinged 120 on saturday, did zero dungeons and am now average ilvl 304. In a week, two maybe, I will probably be sporting an higher ilvl average than heroics. So what's the point of running heroics? None. Zero. You do normal to rush the WQ (if you really want it done), and M/M+ for some gear and crafting components. Heroics? Who cares?
At some point, they will need a "difficulty crunch".