Right, folks, he's chosen "Double Down". Awesome. Let's do this.
*shrug* It's not stupid man, it's the truth. I never once had to worry about my threat when tanking in all of legion. I tanked Mythic at the start of the expansion pack as third tank with a main DPS and tanked as main tank for a couple months in Antorus but only on heroic level.
I didn't "worry" about my threat in Legion until snapping aggro (which happened reasonably often with at least one co-tank) started wiping the raid. Prot warriors were doing fairly high dps near the end of Legion. Sitting around doing nothing for the first 5-10 seconds after tank swaps was definitely a thing, especially on fights like Antoran High Command.
It was so much easier then worrying about my DPS it was laughable. I played a Havoc Demon Hunter (because it was easy and I am a bad player) and we had 3 buttons and I still found tanking to be easier.
Okay, so, as a dps DH, you have to worry about what? Not jumping into lava by mistake when you're using Retreat? Not Fel Rushing past the boss and losing dps (or into aforementioned lava)? Since you're talking about tanking in Antorus, let's use a fight in Antorus as an example.
As a tank, on AHC (again, a fight with mechanics that required some degree of precision), you had to worry about positioning of the boss, clearing mines when not tanking (if that's the strat you used, which we did on N/H, but not Mythic), taunt DR on the boss, debuff stacks, co-tank's debuff stacks, boss switch timer, clicking the shields on 2 of 3 bosses, all while not outaggroing your co-tank, and moving to the next boss on switch to pick it up before it murders some dps.
As a dps, you kill adds, then kill boss, preferably without stepping on mines. If you're one of the lucky ones, you sit in a pod essentially pressing one of 3 buttons on cooldown. Repeat until dead.
And if that doesn't satisfy you, let's talk about tanking Coven, which was an obstacle for a lot of guilds even on Heroic. Or Argus. Or Felhounds on Mythic. That fight was awesome.
Get outta here with your "it's so easy" rhetoric. It depends on the fight. More and more boss fights are not simple tank-and-spanks. Some still are, but many aren't, and now we have to worry about threat all that much more because of this bullshit? Ugh.