It happened to me a few times last week. I just waited for weekly reset. Seems like a bug.For you 2 other pets nerds - because my googling is turning up nothing. I derped out and killed the 3 pets in the menagerie before taking the daily quest. So I take the Scrappin' quest and beat them again, but I get no credit. Log out and in, beat them 2 more times, nada. Known bug? Am I missing something obvious?
This sounds like the EQ1 "Just because you can do damage, doesn't mean you should do damage!" vision of threat balance lol
You should have to play the Tortolla shell mini game to drop aggro so the other tank can have it.
For the taunt reference though, prot paladin taunt has already existed like this since BFA launch. It is noticable when somebody else is taunting off of you, especially if they continue their dps rotation. Paladin does a shit ton of damage though so it's almost never an issue.
So basically bears and warriors are going to get fucked by this with raid tanking. It's a stupid change.
It's a dumb decision that makes no fucking sense. I'd really like to see the reasoningWhen I last played tank taunt didn't generate any threat. It actually made mobs fixate on you for a specified amount of time and didn't change threat tables at all. Which is why you could do things like taunt then bop to not lose the mob. Most tanks have a couple of high threat abilities that should guarantee they keep it though it will be interesting to see how swaps work at first.
If you played your alt at all in Legion and they have even just Argus gear + good legendaries they can plow through island expeditions. You can finish them in ~5-10 mins and they give almost 1/4th of your entire exp bar per (at least at 113, no idea if exp it scales down later). You get exp for everything you kill in the island as well as a huge chunk for winning. And don't you need to actually win the arena skirm to get exp on top of waiting for queues? Esfand was trying to level via skirms in between quests at launch and it took him like 3 days to finally hit 120.
They reduced the number of mobs in some packs on Friday night. But they have yet to address it or post anything about it.