I'd be curious to see the average age of current WoW subscibers. It can't be a low number.
And that is the reason they need that fresh blood infusion for the aging WoW playerbase. TV spots don't work, the kids these days don't watch TV. The remaining "plays games on a PC on a console" gamers in their twenties seem to hang out on Twitch. The mobile-only players are basically lost until you bring WoW to that platform.
Ion has been shitting on it for months in front of millions and they pay him for it.
Not to be apologetic for Ion, but I think his job is mainly to be a lightning rod for player hate. Just like Ghostcrawler was, and he burned out from that. So you get a lawyer-type person to do that job.
My guess what happened:
2008: WoTLK - Subscription all-time high, Blizzard-Activision merger happens, but they don't touch the goose that is laying golden eggs
2010: Cataclysm - They want to bring challenge back to the game after conditioning the playerbase for years that everything gets easier with time. It backfires, subscriptions plummet. Raised eyebrows at Activision.
2012: Pandaria - Basically giving players some meme-worthy things they always wanted. Everyone loves pandas, right? But subscriptions don't recover, and fall off shortly after launch.
This is the point where Activision steps in and exercises more control over Blizzard, telling them to bring in external "consultants". They want more "daily interactions" with the game, because once you don't log in for a few days others in your social circle think you have stopped playing and may follow suit. So you need to do your dailiy quests! And that is the reason why you don't get weekly quests, their success metric is "daily interactions".
So they bring in mobile games experts because mobile games work the same way: play everyday so you feel attached, so it becomes routine, like brushing your teeth. And because some people can't login due to travel they develop a mobile app, but what should players do with it that counts as "daily interaction"? Clearly just guildchat and messaging isn't enough to make them feel attached to the game. So they develop a mission table where you get gold and raid loot.
2014: WoD - They fucked up, they know it, and they abort the expansion early.
2016: Legion - They bring their A-game and give players more that they always wanted. Demon hunters and lore that matters, and isn't sidequest material. Stuff that players were always interested in, like Argus and Sargeras and Titan stuff, they even bring back Illidan.
2018: They have no idea where to go with the lore now that Metzen already left the building. So we need more war in warcraft, so they bring up "powerful women", because its $CURRENT_YEAR. And now we have an expansion that could be titled as "Do banshee queens get PMS?"