Tranny Chaser
I'm glad in this warfront we get to gank Turalyon and shove it up his Light-preaching ass.
I was surprised to see him at first but it looks like he isn't killed at the end.
I'm glad in this warfront we get to gank Turalyon and shove it up his Light-preaching ass.
I'm glad in this warfront we get to gank Turalyon and shove it up his Light-preaching ass.
fishing event in STV ended as I had the turnin quest window open about to select the ring... then he emoted and the quest prompt closed
The whole thing is region-wide so any US/SA/OCE servers. Only first 50. It's kind of retarded.
Won't be able to grind it out EFFECTIVELY.
I completely missed that it had to be epic azerite and not just epic.As it stands now that's impossible. There are not enough sources of Azerite gear, even if you create a group of all the same armor type and everyone traded you all the drops.
As it stands now it doesn't seem possible to grind it out in any fashion, even if the warfront scenario is up for your faction. There are not enough sources of Azerite gear, even if you create a group of all the same armor type and everyone traded you all the drops. You can only get it from M0, Raids and the occasional emissary/quest/warfront and even then it's still subject to personal loot and RNG.
Fucking retarded. Remember when we could just grind at our own pace in MMOs? If it were still that way, i'd still be playing. It literally feels like I have daily chores to do in its current iteration. Being entirely unable to play at my own pace, and my own way, is the absolute worst.
These fucking systems are destroying what is a solid world experience. I feel bad for the artists that took the time and care to craft all this stuff.
I see the loop Blizzard, more than ever, and it is fucking boring.
TF/WF is the RNG equivalent of AA points. People say they hate RNG but would it actually be better received if they instead just made it where you can +5 ilvl an item of your choice every 25 +10 or higher M+ runs completed?I like TF/WF. It gives people a reason to keep playing m+.