I hate to say it but I would welcome Limit getting the kill. Judging from their stream from this and previous tier, they seem much more down to earth. It might just as well be them having comms. Method is way too corporate in their approach. I'm not slinging merch and stuff like that. The raiding. It's like endless stream (sic!) of middle and upper management meetings, interrupted by union mandated breaks and an occasional pull. After every max 10 pulls, they have to have a lengthy meeting to discuss things. It's almost like they cover complicate things and then the execution needs to be ultra perfect or things fall apart. The margin of error is way too small. Countering that is Limit who had 2 people dead almost on the entire last phase during their 2% pull. It's like Limit has a way of adjusting and adapting more on the fly and Method has to have the minutes of the last meeting read back and a powerpoint presentation before proceeding.