There is a lot of stuff that people here, including myself, wouldnt do if it was an "option." But if I want to be king dick in my raid group, then I have to have completed x y and z for the min/max of my character. "X" I could deal with, but "Y" and "Z" I have no interest in doing, so I'm not exactly "forced" to do them, but I'm obligated to do them. So the argument for "just dont do them" is kind of asinine. The argument for "Well you arent a King Dick Raider, so why do you care?" - Because, Karen, I either refuse to do that shit just to be a KDR, or if I just so happen to choose to be a KDR, I wouldnt want to do that extra shit cause it's not fun to me. Which, completely kills my urge to play the game when I can't just do the shit I like doing.
No one is arguing against new systems in reality. I liked the Garrison, but it doesnt take a PHD to see why they were a bad thing. I liked the Mission table in WoD, too. But I dont like the mission table now. It feels tacked on, and time gates the lamest fucking content. People, including me, hate expeditions. You arent required to do them, but you're obligated to because for most of the expansion - that was the biggest AP reward you were going to get. Systems like that are what effectively make people hate AP as well. If all you want to do is raid, then you're fucked with your neck cause you cant farm a raid. Azerite Items are lame af, because in order for me to be a KDR, I have to farm these bull shit ass instances over and over until it drops. Then when it drops, in order for it to compete with a raid since they nerfed the fk out of Mythic+, I have to hope for it to warforge. Which again, leads down another argument of why the fk no one likes Warforging. Grandson, I appreciate the thoughts and prayers on facebook.. but I could have used a Ventilator instead.
Again, it is dramatic in response. Some of these systems are fun if you just give them a chance. I like Mechagon and Naz can eat a dick. But to get flying, I have to do Naz. It's not the end of the world, but fuck.. Just make it where I cant fly in Naz until I do that chiev. Why does everything have to be tied to everything in the god damn game. I get it, you want to extend the sub out as long as you can. But at some point, you just have to realize that if you have spectacular content.. people will fucking play. You dont need to make people feel obligated to do all this extra shit.