So let me get this straight, what you really want is reasons to sit in old content for 8 hours a week farming old shit because you didn't have enough chores and interesting things to do? Got it....
I seriously hope not. What occured to me is that for Legion/BfA (and maybe WoD) Blizzard stacked systems on systems for player gearing and reduced class complexity at the same time. To make up for it at the high end the boss fights have more complex mechanics.Do we have to fill a bar to power a macguffin every expansion?
I seriously hope not. What occured to me is that for Legion/BfA (and maybe WoD) Blizzard stacked systems on systems for player gearing and reduced class complexity at the same time. To make up for it at the high end the boss fights have more complex mechanics.
This is a dream for the theorycrafters, but everyone else is mostly copying their homework on how to spec and what talents/macguffins to choose. Player performance comes down on how good your preparation was and not how good you can play your class.
I don't know if this is because Blizzard hired a lot of theorycrafters, but I believe the more casual end of the playerbase finds it annoying because the game doesn't explain the game systems very well. Especially when your gearing choices not only involve passives (like gems, enchants, set bonuses), but procs and actives. If the tooltop says "Has a chance to" but doesn't tell you the procs/minute I call bullshit.
I'm pretty over this simming every five minutes shit.
Why not? One of the ones they posted turns you on to a dark elf. Pretty much the same thing....
Yeah that mask had a lot of utility too. Looking like a Dark Elf granted you ultravision. The supreme night vision of Everquest. On the other side of it Dark Elves were not Kill On Sight in some "good" locations like Freeport. So if you were a Troll or Ogre you would not only benefit from the size reduction due to dungeon dimensions but you could avoid having to avoid normally KOS NPCs.
The same went for good races who could use the mask to not be KOS in the evil cities. It was an awesome item. Despite its removal it was so beneficial that many years later they added a quest for a Wood Elf illusion mask that, while cool for clicky reasons like appearing to be a Wood Elf Cleric because woodies couldn't be clerics. Provided that same utility to evil races at least in the old world.
Honestly a lot of the clicky items were far more than just toys. Certain items completely changed possible game mechanics. Most like unintentionally by the developers but nonetheless. Holgresh Elder Beads made playing monk or melee classes a totally different game. But for monk especially.
Wouldnt go to far to prove your point cause certain people are going to cherry pick your argument anyways /cough Fyff /cough. We could still have clickies like the EverQuest Dark Elf mask. I can definitely see how a bunch of horde players masking up as Alliance players would be .. "bad." But if you could wear a mask that allowed you to be a kobold and go into kobold areas. Instead of gaining faction with Timbermaw, you wear a timbermaw mask. The most recent item I got that I wish was an EQ-Clicky, was the Humming Black Dragonscale. If you use it, you can float/glide in a fall. But the same trinket also makes me wish that we could have cosmetic effects to transmogrify. I would love those wings popping up on my Spriest for example.
For sure. I'll keep saying it but the most terrible legacy of WOW is the hard split of factions within these games. That shit needs to die and it needed to die as a MMO tenet 10 years ago.
Funny enough, there is a clicky item for the Alliance called "Dartol's Rod of Transformation" that gives you a furbolg illusion. You restore it during the quest chain to talk to a furbolg that is otherwise hostile. The game wants you to turn it in at the end of the quest chain though, but you could just abort the last step and keep the quest item.Instead of gaining faction with Timbermaw, you wear a timbermaw mask.
Making wow toys not a 5 minutes duration with a 2 hour recast would be a good start. Doens't even have to compare to EQ clickies, just make them so the fun is not limited to 5 minutes every hour or two.
How fucking hard is that? Game breaking shit he?
there's 450 other toys to choose in the meantime. It is still pretty dumb though.
They're actually doing the roguelike thing and not just saying it so peoples ears perk up. Interdasting
I think I prefer this death mechanic over a pure timer mechanic. From the way I read it, the guy won't start chasing you through the tower until you start dying, so the scaling on this throughout the expansion should allow you to get further and further as our gear gets better not just from a dps standpoint but a survival standpoint. I dig it.
Shadowlands Preview: Torghast, Tower of the Damned - WoW
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduces a variety of new adventures for players to undertake, including Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler, to claim legendary treasures and free
Shadowlands Preview: Torghast, Tower of the Damned - WoW
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduces a variety of new adventures for players to undertake, including Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler, to claim legendary treasures and free
If it's just a more hardcore evolution of horrific visions with interesting rewards and cosmetics, I'm in.