Registered Hodor
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Also, I've heard that the hearth toy is just a visual effect to your hearth.
This is correct. The [Covenant] hearth you can buy at renown 11 is just a cosmetic effect to your normal hearth.
Also, I've heard that the hearth toy is just a visual effect to your hearth.
Because learning from the mistakes of your predecessors is too complex, and would require you to acknowledge that you aren't better than them in every possible way.Well, it's also a QoL improvement that basically everyone appreciated. In fact, I think most of the playerbase would have accepted never having flying again as long as we could use the flight whistle. It's always a headscratcher why they give players these QoL improvements only to take them away.
Ive Duoed Torghast three times with a dps to put them across the finish line. I can visibly tell that they would just get eaten alive in some fights. Im not sure if its gear, spec, or what. But Im wondering if its just best to just swap your spec at certain layers. As a Tank Im fine now, but at later ilvl and the higher layers like 7 or 8 - will it be better for me to switch to a DPS spec etc. Is it the opposite for DPS at the early levels is the real question.What the fuck happened to the silver and daily golden chests in Bastion?
Also - ran a 5 dps level 3 upper reaches and it went really well, people used their broader class abilities for healing and such and it was a snap.
Im sure at some point layer 8 will be that way, but from the looks of it.. that'll be a while. Im 176 and layer 3 still puts me in precarious positions at times. Usually its cause I do get in the "fk this, pull em all" mood.I've learned that some DPS are just bad and have absolutely no sense of self-preservation. Shocking right?
Did another PUG for Soulforges 3 before the reset and one guy died 5 times on the first floor and then ragequit and the remaining four of us cleared the place. Choosing anima powers that compliment the group and are focused on overall success vs pew-pew numbers are key. This being WOW I'm sure that within a few weeks it'll all just be big dick AE DPS to pull the entire floor at once is the only viable strategy, but for now its actually fun.
ilvl over all has never been true. Ion kept pitching it but he is a retard. secondary stats are too strong most of the time.Im sure at some point layer 8 will be that way, but from the looks of it.. that'll be a while. Im 176 and layer 3 still puts me in precarious positions at times. Usually its cause I do get in the "fk this, pull em all" mood.
Speaking of ilvl, Ive got a few pieces of mythic gear that didnt sim out well at all. So the whole "ilvl is better" mantra that this expansion and BFA keeps/kept trying to push isnt quite true. For example - A 184 Crit/Versatility ring came out 25% less on pawn weights for that sim than the proper secondaries of a Heroic 171 Haste/Mastery ring, for example. Just pointing this out in case someone is drinking the kool-aid.
That seems to be due secondary stats being subject to harsher diminishing returns, but the DR they implemented isn't good enough. If you're missing too much of one stat, the diminishing returns you receive on those stats is far greater than item level benefits or having the right stats. Blizz wanted to avoid stat stacking it seems, and wanted 'iLevel upgrades' to take precedence regardless of stats. But it didn't work.Im sure at some point layer 8 will be that way, but from the looks of it.. that'll be a while. Im 176 and layer 3 still puts me in precarious positions at times. Usually its cause I do get in the "fk this, pull em all" mood.
Speaking of ilvl, Ive got a few pieces of mythic gear that didnt sim out well at all. So the whole "ilvl is better" mantra that this expansion and BFA keeps/kept trying to push isnt quite true. For example - A 184 Crit/Versatility ring came out 25% less on pawn weights for that sim than the proper secondaries of a Heroic 171 Haste/Mastery ring, for example. Just pointing this out in case someone is drinking the kool-aid.
Im sure at some point layer 8 will be that way, but from the looks of it.. that'll be a while. Im 176 and layer 3 still puts me in precarious positions at times. Usually its cause I do get in the "fk this, pull em all" mood.
Speaking of ilvl, Ive got a few pieces of mythic gear that didnt sim out well at all. So the whole "ilvl is better" mantra that this expansion and BFA keeps/kept trying to push isnt quite true. For example - A 184 Crit/Versatility ring came out 25% less on pawn weights for that sim than the proper secondaries of a Heroic 171 Haste/Mastery ring, for example. Just pointing this out in case someone is drinking the kool-aid.
Rings have Stamina, but not Primary. But to further the point, my Crit Mastery Heroic boots simmed out better than the epic Crit Vers boots. In these early ilvl sims, Mastery and Haste are just weighted so much more than Crit for example. It's even more interesting knowing that Castle Denathria has only a few Haste / Mastery upgrades in its entire loot table for Plate. >.> Mythic Keystone Farming is definitely in my future if I want BiS.Rings used to not give primary stats, is this still the case? That's what usually made rings especially not fit into the whole "ilvl over everything" mantra.
I kinda figured it would go that was because even last week some anima stuff did not count towards that number.It appears you can't save up Anima items to turn in after you get the new Weekly to get credit towards the new 1k.
yeah and it was fun doing it together. Bosses on level 2 and 3 seem to be overtuned? I don't know, but as a DPS warrior I can easily get to the bosses on both level 2 and 3 but I can't kill them without the correct anima powers (for level 2 at least... for 3, it's not even close)Ive Duoed Torghast three times with a dps to put them across the finish line. I can visibly tell that they would just get eaten alive in some fights. Im not sure if its gear, spec, or what. But Im wondering if its just best to just swap your spec at certain layers. As a Tank Im fine now, but at later ilvl and the higher layers like 7 or 8 - will it be better for me to switch to a DPS spec etc. Is it the opposite for DPS at the early levels is the real question.
I picked up a few Anima Powers that helped them each time. They appear only when others are in the party, so it's coded correctly. But some of the Anima Powers that Prot Paladins have are amazing in there. One is Blessing of Sacrifice on the person every 45 seconds if they drop below 50% health, which isnt bad. A good one was when I cast Word of Glory on myself, the lowest party member is healed by 25% of its value - considering I use it all the time there this one was the most useful. Casting Divine Shield also casts Divine Shield on all party members was nice.
Point being, there are some nice party features they've added without them being overwhelming in the choices, so I still had plenty of "fun" ones to pick. The Kyrian Steward buffs you get in there are minimal at first, but when theyre stacked up - they are outrageous. I only found out cause they just kept forcing me to get them - but Phial of Serenity would heal me to full, he would heal me AND buff me, and by the very end I was at 120% run speed. Was dumb, but so freaking fun.
It's Blizzard, of course they're gonna SJW. But I did get a good laugh out of the fact that Ysera has lady-like eyelashes in her dragon form... LOL. I also just found at that Horde got a furry race... fuck me.I like all the burly men in this thread lately feeling threatened by female characters yet calling others "beta cucks".
I've played throughout the story and I'll echo the sentiment that if anything, the female major characters in this expansion are for the most part pretty "Good is dumb", except maybe Draka and Vashj who are a bit more subtle.
Denathrius is an evil traitor of course but he's enjoyable in that role, and you see it coming from miles away so it's not really a feminist gotcha either.
I'm hard-pressed to find any of this oppressive or threatening to my masculinity, but I guess some of you have such small dicks the tiniest mention of female power might make it disappear for good.
Just play the game or don't, but stop trying to find SJW shit all the time in everything and shove it down the throats of everyone because it's just as annoying if not worse than the actual SJWs doing it.
Yep just found that out. The counter is updated when you receive the anima item rewards and not when you fill up your reservoir. Also, anima items in your bank are consumed when you refill your reservoir despite them not being in your inventory.The weekly anima gathering counts the anima you get from WQs and killing rares, not from the little anima items you use to fill the reservoir.