World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But then you would open up the EQ burger and find out the center was raw, because they figured they would have a chance to cook it before you bit into it.

"Fuck, we thought the players were just going to eat the fries first!!!!"


Trakanon Raider
The EQ gear staying relevant longer argument was drummed up by people who obviously didn't do much raiding because if they did, then I guarantee their gear turned over each expansion (especially from velious forward), it was just a delayed turnover since everything was farmed vs. rewarded for quests.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, the only stuff that remained important for awhile were cleric res sticks, monk epic (until PoP), ench epic (until PoP), Primals (until PoP), and the bard epic I think. Abashi nerf stick was still useful in PoP, mostly because it was a debuff pull tool.

Other than that, everything was being replaced each expansion.


Vyemm Raider
Almost everything on that item is a stat that has been capped for at least 10 expansions or more. For most people all of that shit you see adds up to "100 more hp, 10 more ac"

They even still put regen on items when you have hundreds of thousands of HP. Man, that 5 hp every 6 seconds is really going to make a difference!


Toe Sucker
Aww I just saw they replaced the two talents I was looking forward to in WoD

No more blade barrier for war, and Master the Basics for Rogue *sniffle*

Now i need to rethink of what I want to start with come the expac, although im sure rogue's shadow reflection will end up being brokenly good anyway


Trakanon Raider
I haven't paid attention to EQ in years, but I believe Kreugen has the correct summary: There was a short dark period, where if you got an Accuracy (hit) piece you might have to swap three other pieces to make up for the Strikethrough (expertise) you lost in the upgrade. To solve that problem, instead of coming up with reforging, EQ just said "Fuck It" and put some ofeverystat oneverypiece, so if you had a full raid set you were capped on everything. It's now equivalent to trying to max out stamina in WoW (ignoring trinkets) - every piece already has the maximum amount possible for the ilevel.

WoW's tertiary stats are another matter. Either they will be tuned so low they will be effectively irrelevant, or else they will be a a level of itemization complexity not seen since (and only for a short period) EQ.

Edit: Again, WoW had to rejigger the numbers. They are going to max out their data types before long.


Trakanon Raider
Reading through the online coverage, is anyone else not surprised by
Velen's death?

I just assumed every major lore character would get taken off the board* in some way, as Lore character A and slightly different history Lore character A' handing out quests next to each other would get really silly.

*I assume we'll get at least two cases of Character X helps us fight corrupted Character X' over the expansion, as that sounds like the sort of hamfisted writing we get nowadays.


Pretty sure the majority of the first content will just be random unknown dragon boss x and then y and then z. Oh shit you built this town! dragon boss. Oh shit you built this other town! dragon boss.


I had to look a new item up.

Haha. What the fuck.
Was never sure how I felt about those items. I remember the first time an item like that really fucking hit us. It was a bracer with stats for like everyone; spell modifiers, melee modifiers, bard instrument modifiers, and endurance/mana/health. Every bard, cleric, SK, warrior etc were all in. Think our first pair went to a bard because it made the most sense. I guess no loot bloat on mobs though!

And gawd were some epics money. Group VoG on enc epic? Thanks.

I don't even remember what my cleric 2.0 epic had on it though.


Potato del Grande
Reading through the online coverage, is anyone else not surprised by
Velen's death?

I just assumed every major lore character would get taken off the board* in some way, as Lore character A and slightly different history Lore character A' handing out quests next to each other would get really silly.

*I assume we'll get at least two cases of Character X helps us fight corrupted Character X' over the expansion, as that sounds like the sort of hamfisted writing we get nowadays.
Apparently there will be no Universe A character meets B Universe character because and I quote "We are smart". That means that all of these duplicate Orcs and Draenai are going to die. Sorry Akama.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
A lot of big names will die to facilitate the time travel logistics of the expansion, but Chromie will show up after you beat the final raid boss and reset everything.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, like, why wouldn't all the poor fucks still living in the floating shitpile called Outland not pack up and move to their restored homeland? They need to have some immigration rules in place at the portal. "Absolutely no dopplegangers allowed. No exceptions!"

Hrm.. a Papers, Please minigame...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just got my 3rd level 90 this morning. I'm a dirty wow Whore. Let's see how long it takes me to get into seige lfr on this Mage.

Have Mage, paladin, and Druid now. What should I make next? Warlock to experience Op?


Potato del Grande
Yeah, like, why wouldn't all the poor fucks still living in the floating shitpile called Outland not pack up and move to their restored homeland? They need to have some immigration rules in place at the portal. "Absolutely no dopplegangers allowed. No exceptions!"

Hrm.. a Papers, Please minigame...
What have they done -_-


Trakanon Raider
The EQ gear staying relevant longer argument was drummed up by people who obviously didn't do much raiding because if they did, then I guarantee their gear turned over each expansion (especially from velious forward), it was just a delayed turnover since everything was farmed vs. rewarded for quests.
Maybe in the servers premier guilds this was true but even in a servers 2nd best guild you prolly carried items from old xpacs just because the volume that your guild got was too low for every one of your 70 members to replace every slot. And even with the top guilds replacing items every xpac that was once a year, in WoW now its once every 6 months.