World of Warcraft: Current Year


Just got my 3rd level 90 this morning. I'm a dirty wow Whore. Let's see how long it takes me to get into seige lfr on this Mage.

Have Mage, paladin, and Druid now. What should I make next? Warlock to experience Op?
If you're not already go Frost the with Mage. During a raid//group run into a pack of mobs, Frozen Orb them, then Ice Lance them down. Most OP move I can think of in the game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There were several tiers of items in EQ through PoP with good hp/mana and effects which lasted. Aside from legendaries and saving sets for looks there was nothing like that in WoW. That's why certain raid targets were always farmed for long because they dropped items that would help the secondary progression guilds catch up faster, even though they weren't bleeding edge BiS. Click effect items rarely got replaced by better versions, your collection would keep growing for more instants and various buffs.

But tiers and content aren't dictated by expansions any more, but by patches. There aren't competitive spawns and limited supply problems, there's simply RNG for your particular instance. So instead of collecting money for new box sales they stretch out how long you pay the sub and battle RNG.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe in the servers premier guilds this was true but even in a servers 2nd best guild you prolly carried items from old xpacs just because the volume that your guild got was too low for every one of your 70 members to replace every slot. And even with the top guilds replacing items every xpac that was once a year, in WoW now its once every 6 months.
Well you probably carried gear from whatever content you happened to be working on. The bigger point that I was making there was that gear was still just gear even in EverQuest if you were raiding. Hell most of the truly good raiding gear from the post velious era never gets much mention at all because it was all no-drop anyway. The more cherished items weren't really something you could go out raiding with, they were more prized for being unique and tradeable. No one showed up to Time trials or whatever wearing a rubicite breastplate holding a yak.


Trakanon Raider
Well you probably carried gear from whatever content you happened to be working on. The bigger point that I was making there was that gear was still just gear even in EverQuest if you were raiding. Hell most of the truly good raiding gear from the post velious era never gets much mention at all because it was all no-drop anyway. The more cherished items weren't really something you could go out raiding with, they were more prized for being unique and tradeable. No one showed up to Time trials or whatever wearing a rubicite breastplate holding a yak.
No, but they were clicking their vah kerrath necklace.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Stop shitting up this thread with EverQuest. No longer does your average person care to remember how "cherished" the FBSS was back in 1999 to them.

Concerning WoW: Did oQueue ever get fixed to how it used to be? I havent had a chance to sit down at my personal computer.


Stop shitting up this thread with EverQuest. No longer does your average person care to remember how "cherished" the FBSS was back in 1999 to them.

Concerning WoW: Did oQueue ever get fixed to how it used to be? I havent had a chance to sit down at my personal computer.


Trakanon Raider
Stop shitting up this thread with EverQuest. No longer does your average person care to remember how "cherished" the FBSS was back in 1999 to them.

Concerning WoW: Did oQueue ever get fixed to how it used to be? I havent had a chance to sit down at my personal computer.
Did you forget where you were? The "average" person on these forums loses 3 pints of semen per day masturbating over their cherished FBSS.


Did you forget where you were? The "average" person on these forums loses 3 pints of semen per day masturbating over their cherished FBSS.
I often use the Testament of Venear camp story to end arguments about lines being too long. "Oh, you think 2 hours for Splash Mountain is rough?! Try 6 hours, then you get up to the front and some fat kid comes out of nowhere and steals your spot and you go to the back of line! Whiny bitch".


Stop shitting up this thread with EverQuest. No longer does your average person care to remember how "cherished" the FBSS was back in 1999 to them.
Your 'average' person who plays WoW doesn't know what an FBSS is, never played EverQuest. Your 'average' person who plays WoW probably doesn't play too many videogames at all. They're probably housewives with kids, several of them. They probably take them to soccer practice more often than they raid. They're probably single bachelors who play as much as they play Madden. They're probably teens and preteens who pet battle more than anything else.

Don't compare any 'average' person who played EverQuest to WoW. It's like comparing a fucking diamond to a pile of shit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Lol, I raided with some awesome housewives in EQ, they were some of our most consistent raiders (and our entire cleric core). Don't knock the housewives, you're always going to need healers.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Your 'average' person who plays WoW doesn't know what an FBSS is, never played EverQuest. Your 'average' person who plays WoW probably doesn't play too many videogames at all. They're probably housewives with kids, several of them. They probably take them to soccer practice more often than they raid. They're probably single bachelors who play as much as they play Madden. They're probably teens and preteens who pet battle more than anything else.

Don't compare any 'average' person who played EverQuest to WoW. It's like comparing a fucking diamond to a pile of shit.
Seriously, just shut up. You obviously hate wow (and yourself for playing it), but let the rest of us discuss the actual topic instead of comparing it to fucking everquest constantly (which is certainly the pile of shit in your reference).


Lol, I raided with some awesome housewives in EQ, they were some of our most consistent raiders (and our entire cleric core). Don't knock the housewives, you're always going to need healers.
It's true. Housewives always choose support class of some kind. Almost always they were cleric/druid/chanter. Usually either really good or really fucking bad too. No in between.


NeoGaf Donator
Our druid class leader from MC up to BT when she quit was a stay at home mother of three. She was a beast at healing.


Vyemm Raider
Your 'average' person who plays WoW doesn't know what an FBSS is, never played EverQuest. Your 'average' person who plays WoW probably doesn't play too many videogames at all. They're probably housewives with kids, several of them. They probably take them to soccer practice more often than they raid. They're probably single bachelors who play as much as they play Madden. They're probably teens and preteens who pet battle more than anything else.

Don't compare any 'average' person who played EverQuest to WoW. It's like comparing a fucking diamond to a pile of shit.
Except he's obviously talking about the average person on this forum, not the average wow player anyway.

Now don't you feel stupid? You should.

Also, the "average" Everquest player was a goddamn moron that was fucking terrible at video games. There were heaps of casuals, housewives, girlfriends forced to play clerics, and just plain drooling retards aplenty in EQ.

In my experience, people who are died hard players of [MMO that isn't WoW] are so busy talking about how bad WoW players are that they don't realize that they are just as stupid and terrible as the people they think they are mocking.


Just got my 3rd level 90 this morning. I'm a dirty wow Whore. Let's see how long it takes me to get into seige lfr on this Mage.

Have Mage, paladin, and Druid now. What should I make next? Warlock to experience Op?
If you havent played a lock in a while, I would suggest to do so. I have the same problem as you though. I have had 1 of every class at max level since WoTLK (have yet to try a monk though). So far I have 5 of them at 90 and thinking about taking another one through MoP since 85-90 is pretty fucking quick these days. I have a pick between Rogue, Priest, Warrior, Mage and Shaman. Yet I have no fucking clue which I should go with, leaning on warrior since the last 2 toons were ranged classes and my paladin is mainly holy and the DK hardly gets touched because its the only toon not on my main server.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you havent played a lock in a while, I would suggest to do so. I have the same problem as you though. I have had 1 of every class at max level since WoTLK (have yet to try a monk though). So far I have 5 of them at 90 and thinking about taking another one through MoP since 85-90 is pretty fucking quick these days. I have a pick between Rogue, Priest, Warrior, Mage and Shaman. Yet I have no fucking clue which I should go with, leaning on warrior since the last 2 toons were ranged classes and my paladin is mainly holy and the DK hardly gets touched because its the only toon not on my main server.
I had a ton of fun leveling and playing a Disc priest. Mine's level 51, but out DPSing the DPS in dungeons, and still keeping the group healed, after you get Atonement at level 38 is so fun! haha

Warlock and Rogue are both classes that I've never gotten up to max level. The problem is, I have a Feral Druid, and I have a Mage. Both feel so similar to Warlock/Rogue that it makes wanting to play either pretty 'meh'.


I had a ton of fun leveling and playing a Disc priest. Mine's level 51, but out DPSing the DPS in dungeons, and still keeping the group healed, after you get Atonement at level 38 is so fun! haha

Warlock and Rogue are both classes that I've never gotten up to max level. The problem is, I have a Feral Druid, and I have a Mage. Both feel so similar to Warlock/Rogue that it makes wanting to play either pretty 'meh'.
I know what youre saying about the similarities of Lock/Mage & Feral Druid/Rogue. I went Balance and Bear for my druid so it didnt feel like I was just leveling a rogue cat. Leveling the Mage and Lock are going to feel so much the same while leveling since Frost is the way to go imo for mage and Demo for lock while leveling. But at end game youll notice the differences. I raid as Demo with my lock and with the 2 metamorphosis forms, I switch up between ranged and melee range often and its pretty fun to play as.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I had a ton of fun leveling and playing a Disc priest. Mine's level 51, but out DPSing the DPS in dungeons, and still keeping the group healed, after you get Atonement at level 38 is so fun! haha

Warlock and Rogue are both classes that I've never gotten up to max level. The problem is, I have a Feral Druid, and I have a Mage. Both feel so similar to Warlock/Rogue that it makes wanting to play either pretty 'meh'.
I don't have a feral druid, so I don't know for sure, but playing a rogue is fun as hell. Completely dependent on your weapons, but unkillable if your CDs are up and you play smart.


Vyemm Raider
Rogue and Feral druid play very similar mechanic wise. Druid ofcourse has lots of ways to stay alive since you can push button into heal mode.


Mana, HP, and click rez. Is there anything else necessary?
Well that was the water sprinkler. The aegis didn't have a rez on it; but I can't remember what the click effect was.

Didn't 1.0 get eaten doing 2.0 or did you just start 2.0 by doing 1.5 ?
1.5 got eaten by getting 2.0. 2.0 only required you get an item or two from some boss later on. (Obviously in addition to about a dozen run around parts.)

Edit: Ah, the click effect was a divine arbitration for free. I used that spell like candy, it was so good.

I had a ton of fun leveling and playing a Disc priest. Mine's level 51, but out DPSing the DPS in dungeons, and still keeping the group healed, after you get Atonement at level 38 is so fun! haha

Warlock and Rogue are both classes that I've never gotten up to max level. The problem is, I have a Feral Druid, and I have a Mage. Both feel so similar to Warlock/Rogue that it makes wanting to play either pretty 'meh'.
That's humorous; literally the last two classes I have to level and I have tried numerous times, to the point that I have like 3 rogues spread across servers in the 60-70 range.

A feral druid will play like a rogue since they use sort of the same template as far as resource management goes. It's been awhile since I've been feral but they're close to combat; very high sustained dps but always seemed to lack a real "frontload" ability because of it.

Rogues get fun in the 70 range, because they have access to tons of movement speed talents/buffs, plus teleports, and a bunch of awesome abilities that let you frontload.

For a warlock, demonology is very different than a mage, and tons of fun. You will constantly be grabbing groups of mobs, since to maintain uptime on demon form you need to kill things to gain extra energy.

I feel you though. I like those classes but the druid and warlock both seem (to me) to be of the same archetype except they revolve around sustain rather than burst.

Opinion, but that's why I tend to dislike them. Not that I need huge damage; I main a resto druid and the other alts of mine that hit max level first were also healers. Just that a lot of shit does not survive for very long, so on those two classes, you have what feels like lower dps because of your survivability, just enough to lessen the kill time, instead of allow you to do really crazy things.