World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I’m pretty much at endgame in FF - last patches were like 5-8s tier (fun 3 months + more pugging after) -> 10+ months to 9-12s tier (fun 4 months before group disbanded) -> not much I really want to do until next expansion (another 5 months away, tier 11~ months or so).

Badge stuff is like do expert roulette 4* a week for the first 4-8 weeks of patch

I do like the game, but the last couple of patches / cancelled ult felt pretty much like a disaster - hard to imagine these Wow personalities would be pushing the game so much if they were actually at endgame.
If it wasnt obvious already, ffxiv and wow are two different types of games. Whether its meant to be that way or not is up for debate - but ffxiv doesnt make you grind your ass off for a +5 item level difference. I personally see no difference between the two when it comes to getting BIS in all slots other than the time commitment. The top tier content for ffxiv can have you BIS in 3/4 weeks. WoW strings it along over 2 months if not more. Im not saying FFXIV is better than WoW, but right now.. its filling a hole that WoW isnt filling. What is wrong with just dropping WoW till they get their shit together and playing FFXIV? Ive played WoW classic/bc/wotlk to their fullest - nothing interest me in playing that shit again.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The thing is I don't have time to play than more than one MMO especially if I want to play other non-MMO games. I don't want to miss an entire video game generation like I did playing Everquest.

Jesus Christ that hit close to home lol
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<Bronze Donator>
If it wasnt obvious already, ffxiv and wow are two different types of games. Whether its meant to be that way or not is up for debate - but ffxiv doesnt make you grind your ass off for a +5 item level difference. I personally see no difference between the two when it comes to getting BIS in all slots other than the time commitment. The top tier content for ffxiv can have you BIS in 3/4 weeks. WoW strings it along over 2 months if not more. Im not saying FFXIV is better than WoW, but right now.. its filling a hole that WoW isnt filling. What is wrong with just dropping WoW till they get their shit together and playing FFXIV? Ive played WoW classic/bc/wotlk to their fullest - nothing interest me in playing that shit again.
Wait...the asian MMO is less grindy?
  • 1Rimshot
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If FFXIV was developed in Korea, it would have required a 150 hour grind and $2,000 cash shop items to get the +5 gooderer item lol
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
There’s a slew of us, say my entire raiding guild, that left in BFA and never came back. I even went and checked our guild armory. We had one old fart come back and make it to 55 or whatever is halfway through the last 10 levels now.

they’re not getting new blood faster than they lose it. And frankly there are other games and genres as fun as this.
  • 1Solidarity
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Many vet players, myself included, took the BFA bait. I consider my WoW account officially retired imo.
  • 5Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
Wait...the asian MMO is less grindy?
Yes and no. For player power itself, it's totally less grindy than WoW. There is no borrowed power to level whatsoever.

If you want bragging rights, there are grindy as fuck weapon quests to unlock a cool look for your weapon. The coolness is debatable, though. But essentially, we are talking about a purple icon, while the other is only blue.

To compare it to something from WoW: It's like meeting someone with "the insane" title. You know that one had way too much free time, but it is essentially side content.


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
There’s a slew of us, say my entire raiding guild, that left in BFA and never came back. I even went and checked our guild armory. We had one old fart come back and make it to 55 or whatever is halfway through the last 10 levels now.

they’re not getting new blood faster than they lose it. And frankly there are other games and genres as fun as this.
Agreed, not interested in Shadowlands. Legion was the last good bit of nostalgia and then it died.
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Potato del Grande
Many vet players, myself included, took the BFA bait. I consider my WoW account officially retired imo.
Was the Jania sea shany for me, hit me right in the Warcraft 3 feels. Actualy game had almost nothing about Jainia's betrayal, her mother forgave her pretty easily and nobody else cared.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You get your badge gear pretty quick. The grinds go by pretty quick. None of the hard mode raids are more difficult then mythic raiding. The dungeons are brain dead easy.

I love FF14 and go back every couple patches to do the content but at the top end there is no challenge. After doing M Plus, moving to the FF14 expert dungeons is a joke. After doing Mythic raids, doing the extremes in FF14 are a joke.

Have you ever actually done the top end stuff in FF14?

"expert" doesn't mean any increased level, that's just the name for the roulette of the most recent dungeons. They're just normal dungeon runs. Extremes aren't the "top end" raids, either. Savage and Ultimates are actual "top end". Extremes are just what people farm for mounts.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Ok this is actually funny. 79 year old Grandma doing Torghast and M+ and talking down to scrubs about learning routes. lololol

  • 2Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
"expert" doesn't mean any increased level, that's just the name for the roulette of the most recent dungeons. They're just normal dungeon runs. Extremes aren't the "top end" raids, either. Savage and Ultimates are actual "top end". Extremes are just what people farm for mounts.
Yeah the whole "hard" version stuff throws people off to this day. They think it's a hardmode version of the original vs. just using art assets from the original in a completely different dungeon. To be fair, the naming tier stuff in FFXIV is a little silly.Normal > hard > mythic is a lot more explainable in a linear fashion than Regular/Hard > Extreme > Savage > Ultimate
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
So I heard Furor was kicked from Blizzard for Sex Harassment claims?
  • 1Worf
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<Silver Donator>
So I heard Furor was kicked from Blizzard for Sex Harassment claims?
Tell Pulp Fiction GIF


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I almost made a joke about the interns asking Kaplan to talk about his EQ days and his character’s name. Then I remembered he’s gone too.
There was a guy named Biggus Dikkus in my FFXIV duty finder group last night.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So I heard Furor was kicked from Blizzard for Sex Harassment claims?
Heard? What makes you think that? Almost every senior/original member has left in the past couple years.

Hopefully we get a good postmortem in a year or two. Would be interesting to see just where that stubbornness came from
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