Golden Baronet of the Realm
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I still hold that raiding was its best in WOTLK and it’s been downhill since. Maybe fights are great or individual tiers are great.A lot of the joy of early WoW was getting your shiny tier set, being done with gearing, and showing it off in a big city or in PvP. You had status. Then how about having a rare grind mount?
Now there's billions of recoloured incremental upgrades that look like shit, no status at all and no end to the grind. Every patch has 20 recoloured mounts and a few for the cash shop so nothing stands out.
What WoW needed was more casual content to show off your gear or get some sort of mount like Netherwing rep in Burning Crusade. Raiding was always good, especially once it went down to 25 man... but they keep trying to fix raiding.
FF14 has that original "farm it and you are done" design with millions of things to do while wearing your epic gear. Oh and you can alt a new class on the same character and only need to unlock everyone once ever.
They should have dumped tons of time into ultra casual content. Made 10m raiding on par with 5m heroics or maybe mythic 0 and just said fuck it to LFR (I’m contradicting myself from 5 posts back). Then yeah shit like Torghast, mage tower, pvp like wintergrasp but make it about Tmog shit and some good not great gear. Then kept the 10m and 25m tier sets for classes. Class sets were awesome and I know it sucked trying to to create Paladin set 45, but hell redo a few classic ones with some upgrades. Put some distinct loot out and just have two levels. Make 25m ball bustingly hard and put a mount in it. Basically toss new and experimental casual content at the Wotlk model ad nauseum.
Its fucking sad that 10m Wotlk naxx had more memorable loot than anything in other xpacs.
Ion and maybe Blizz in general seemed to forget the classic audience that grew up and had kids really needed a way to get their raids in a Thursday night bowling league setting. See the story. Kill some bosses. Chuckle at the young fucks running around in the 25m raid gear as we talk about running BT back in the day before heading out to alterac redux and maybe running some crazy new extra long 5 man then fishing while green chat and beers roll by.
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