World of Warcraft: Current Year


Daidraco: Oh no, that 2x more stamina than agi shit is just how it happened, I'm only level 74 and just the way it rolled with 5 man drops. I really not worrying about it right now but if I was 90 or even 85 yeah I'd be panicked. No point in worrying about gear now that I can and have replaced in a 1 hour period. If I were 90 and that happened it'd be regemming and reforge time.

As for aggro right now in a controlled multi-mob pull where I manage it from the start it's remote pull with Dizzying Haze, when they're coming at me trying to line them up the best I can, I run by 1st guy, Keg Smash second to try to get the best AOE range (too often if I smash the leader the guy at the end misses it), and just go into my rotation. If it's single pull I with no chance of adds I'll just Provoke them and rush into Keg. If I can pick up and add easily I'll provoke him, then move the group in order to get the add on the edge and Keg the middle of the pile to get aggro where I want it to me. For adds I don't think I can handle for a few seconds I'll send an Ox Wave to stun them. If the group is close enough together so that they'll link up if I pull the first but far enough apart that Dizzying wont hit all of them I'll either Provoke the first and get the line coming at me, side step and try to Ox Wave the back few but keep the front few charging, rush to Keg Smash them, go into rotation, then when the 2nd wave breaks Ox Wave and comes in Crane Kick through the entire group until I'm behind them, turn and Keg Smash all of them and continue.

On bosses especially at this level where I can have a Mage 3-4 levels above me spamming Frost Orb + Lances it's not uncommon for me to work Dizzying Hazes and Provokes into my rotation. I know it doesn't happen as much at 90% as it does now, but I am getting sick of chasing shit around because some Hunter or Mage decided to show off for Recount. I will however say fuck the DPS if I've got 3-4 mobs aggroed and I'm currently working on them and some straggler goes after them. It's pretty fucking difficult to stop what I'm doing and toss a Dizzying Haze on a moving target.

P.S. Crane Kicking through a massive group of fodder mods can be disgusting, a few times last night it looked like a fish spawning.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So whats up with Enhancement shaman? Or shaman in general. I see a few Resto shamans here and there, but not really anything else other than that? They suck these days?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
DPS-wise, if your class has the capacity to go Range DPS with one of its specs, the way raids are designed heavily discourages picking the Melee Option, which nips a lot of Enh shaman in the bud.

Resto shaman are baller. Their healing rain is ridiculous on the fights where you can actually just stand in it. World first Heroic Thok kill was just like "1Tank, Rest of Raid is Shamans" and abusing Healing Rain.

Elemental Shaman are respectable. Not the most ridiculous RDPS, not the worst. Better than getting stuck on a turret like Moonkin or Shadowpriest.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
DPS-wise, if your class has the capacity to go Range DPS with one of its specs, the way raids are designed heavily discourages picking the Melee Option, which nips a lot of Enh shaman in the bud.

Resto shaman are baller. Their healing rain is ridiculous on the fights where you can actually just stand in it. World first Heroic Thok kill was just like "1Tank, Rest of Raid is Shamans" and abusing Healing Rain.

Elemental Shaman are respectable. Not the most ridiculous RDPS, not the worst. Better than getting stuck on a turret like Moonkin or Shadowpriest.
Ele Shaman can also go full retard when you pull groups. MASH CHAIN LIGHTNING AND WIN! I don't even have my cloak yet, and on trash groups in LFR I'm pulling 600-700k by mashing a single button. I've recently been queueing 5 man dungeons while wearing my resto gear and dropping healing rain/HST and herp derping with chain lightning with good success recently. (I can finally stop now that I finished my 3k VP quest)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Having a cast bar for still sucks. If you compare yourself to hunters, rogues and warlocks in your raid you are going to feel bad. I know I do.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was sitting here trying to think of how to reply to that, Salshun. I know why you're using provoke so much but once you're geared better, stop using it proactively. If you were geared right, you wouldnt have near as much problem. Ill give you an example of how I approach mobs. Rushing jade wind > Clash > Keg Smash > First round of Rotation > Ring of Peace > Continue Rotation. With the rolls, you should be a good 2-3 steps ahead of your group. If you do everything right, your Clash should stun most of the group for 4 seconds, letting you do a rotation round, then ring of Peace will give you upwards of another 8 seconds of mobs being stunned and silenced. That line of abilities will give you up to 12 seconds to build up enough Elusive Brew that youll continue to barely be attacked. This is all granted you are wearing gear that has enough Crit on it. Gear yourself as a Rogue till you're in MoP and getting Monk gear.

I wouldnt say pull with Dizzying Haze either. Just run to the mobs and start beating the shit out of them. You dont want a mob you hit with a single Dizzying Haze running to you, snared. The Healer or a DPS is going to quickly surpass the Threat you put on that mob because they are taking their sweet ass time getting to your real threat abilities. Thats probably another reason you have mobs fucking everywhere.


I wouldnt say pull with Dizzying Haze either. Just run to the mobs and start beating the shit out of them. You dont want a mob you hit with a single Dizzying Haze running to you, snared. The Healer or a DPS is going to quickly surpass the Threat you put on that mob because they are taking their sweet ass time getting to your real threat abilities. Thats probably another reason you have mobs fucking everywhere.
I had a tank that would babysit Garrosh in Flex 4 all the way back to the raid. He went the opposite extreme and it would take 15 seconds to get him into position causing everyone to scoot up and try to get DPS in or heal and the first desecrate would be on top of his spot and all the adds would be all over the place. Then he had the bright idea to snare him on incoming and that was worse. Finally told him to stop being a moron and just smack him, run to place and then drop a taunt like a big boy. Worked like a champ. It is surprising how little some tanks know about actual mechanics.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not sure why but a lot of pugs tend to set up the ranged markers on the opposite side of the throne when they could just set them up right next to it. If you're next to the throne on the pull, you get to do a solid burst as he gets pulled back to the middle because of all the raid procs going off and ready just as the first wave of adds meet up in the middle.


Kuro, as pertains to monks, I think you said before that they required a bit more management? Our main monk tank will be really sturdy sometimes and then others he just gets beaten to shit. I have assumed in the past that he's probably missing, delaying or poorly timing something in his rotation that is opening him up to a burst of damage taken. From your posts it seems this is somewhat the case, confirm or deny?

Ele sham will dominate in 5 mans; the shit there doesn't last long, you can stack it up without interfering with anyone and because of their burst they're getting shit taken care of.

They drop off ridiculously in raids though. Boomkin are similar, though it feels more because there are still quite a few spells one needs to stay stationary for and a lot of fights in SoO just aren't built around that.

I leveled my hunter up during ToT and in LFR gear I was beating our main dpsers; hunters are just retarded and if you spend half a second to pay attention to their cooldowns and rotations you will just blow everything up. Being able to do everything on the god damn move is so stupid too. Not that they didn't need it but christ.

I'll probably still be a resto druid for life though. =/


Is it possible to delevel? Running a 5 man, I'm 76, have a 79 hunter with us. He's pushing 45k hp as a level 79 and doing 10K-12K dps. I've never seen ANYONE around that level break 5K for shit in a 5 man and that's . I inspect him and he's got ilvl 289 gear with required level of 80. No idea what was going on.


Trakanon Raider
So they confirmed they are reducing the number of abilities by 20%, good move on their part, thats a bit more than I thought they would reduce by. My pal has slightly over 20 abilities that are really relevant in combat, will be nice to see that squished down to 16 or so.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't think they are outright removing abilities its probably going to be more like they are going to bake abilities together some more. Think of abilities you put into a macro to fire all at once like ret cooldowns or warrior cooldowns. Then look at maintenance spells like serpent sting, slice and dice, inquisition etc. Class defining stuff will stay in place. You could cite dumbing the game down but it will make the core of what you are doing more important. Kinda like the talent changes i swap alot of my talents around to suit raiding pvp. or solo play. This expansion will bring us closer to the core of todays action mmo.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Inquisition is a terrible ability that should die. A lot of those "maintenance abilities" are just fucking tedious.

I personally think locks are ok. I'd like to see a curse or two combined and perhaps remove a few of those situational damage abilities like fel flame. I really think the big culprit is the new talent system. Should have gone with a more modification of existing abilities approach for most of the talents instead of new clickies.

I think DKs feel ok too. I never felt overwhelmed like the paladin and even shaman.


They better remove some shit. . Paladins and Locks have way too many
I found Paladin had like 3 buttons to press in any spec, and then 1-2 cds, Holy was especially limited. Now Shaman is a mess compared to most classes, even though there's probably less buttons than there ever was, it still feels clumsy as fuck.

I like the idea of whoever said to remake talents into Diablo 3 style where they modify existing abilities instead of giving new ones


They better remove some shit. . Paladins and Locks have way too many
I found Paladin had like 3 buttons to press in any spec, and then 1-2 cds, Holy was especially limited. Now Shaman is a mess compared to most classes, even though there's probably less buttons than there ever was, it still feels clumsy as fuck.

I like the idea of whoever said to remake talents into Diablo 3 style where they modify existing abilities instead of giving new ones

Inquisition is a terrible ability that should die. A lot of those "maintenance abilities" are just fucking tedious.
This ability is like they went right back to 1 minute seals from vanilla. Jesus Christ that is a dumb ability


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is it possible to delevel? Running a 5 man, I'm 76, have a 79 hunter with us. He's pushing 45k hp as a level 79 and doing 10K-12K dps. I've never seen ANYONE around that level break 5K for shit in a 5 man and that's . I inspect him and he's got ilvl 289 gear with required level of 80. No idea what was going on.
Nope, he's just got cataclysm gear (starts at 78 if you get teh droppables). There's an enormous item level jump from WOTLK to Cata in terms of starting gear.