World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Baronet of the Realm
this would be sweet.

I always enjoy watching people theory craft about WoW for some reason. WoW has a huge amount of plot holes in its lore. Some of the most intriguing story lines are left wide open. Like what the hell ever happened to Illidan? Emerald Dream Expansion? All that shit. It just lets the imagination go wild when a new expansion is on the way.

You can tell this guy is dead serious no matter how he tries to make light of it. The shit is believable too. His theory crafting about the lore probably isnt right, but the Time Walkers is a good guess. Especially with Chromie having a spot in just about every expansion. But just the fact that they have been talking about doing something with the old raid zones and dungeons for what seems like forever now, and we're seeing more and more scaleable content come out - Its just expected to happen sooner or later. He hopes its not an LFR kind of thing, but I think the old raid zones fit LFR perfectly. Allowing anyone to experience the content with other players, almost recreating the original experience. Its not overlapping brand new content and its giving players a huge amount of options when they just want to raid.


Toe Sucker
That isn't far fetched, considering blizzard already said they would be making old content available to queue via LFR.
I don't really get how loot would work though if you queue up to do Naxx 40 for example, you scale down to 60 with X ilevel and the bosses drop current ilevel gear thats probably flex/normal for the current level i guess?

I'm all for it but.. even blizzard doesn't know how that loot was to be handled when it was originally an idea.

I cannot see them making an LFR/Normal/Flex/Mythic version for every single raid they've made, but i can definitely see an LFR version of each one.


Normal Dungeons i can see being viable 100%.. that opens up the random dungeon finder to an incredible amount of dungeons you can do to farm JP/VP so long as they can actually make JP/VP viable for a change and give you some sort of incentive to do it for longer than a couple times a week.


<Silver Donator>
Can anyone tell me a bit about warrior dps? Used my pre order boost on my warrior, already have lots of timeless waiting for him. What is the best spec to dps for undergeared / good / better gear.
Undegear probably arms. Soon as you can pile on the crit go fury. Warrior in a nutshell: Pool fury with a certain rotation until colossus smash is usable. Unload with the fury of a thousand suns while the debuff is up (and make sure you're enraged, which happens when critting your main rage building ability OR colossus smash), then go back to pooling rage. It's a very very simplified version of a fury warrior, but that's pretty much it.


Toe Sucker
I'm kind of hoping Blizzard will be giving out WoD beta keys at PAX prime this year... It's my only chance hnngghhhh


Trakanon Raider
Can anyone tell me a bit about warrior dps? Used my pre order boost on my warrior, already have lots of timeless waiting for him. What is the best spec to dps for undergeared / good / better gear.
Arms for sure until higher iLvl. I'm in the 540's on my warrior and I'm still arms. Fury will out-dps arms at about this point, but it's (at least imho) a lot harder to play. Plus you need 2x 2h weapons which I had shit luck on. I haven't really checked into what will be the better spec come WoD, but I really hope arms will be on a more even playing field for the higher item levels.


Vyemm Raider
Max deeps is supposed to be all about the amount of fuckery and buggery you can tolerate. And of course the higher the ilvl, the more this is magnified. The scaling in MOP is just off the charts.
Max deeps is supposed to be all about the amount of fuckery and buggery you can tolerate. And of course the higher the ilvl, the more this is magnified. The scaling in MOP is just off the charts.
Yah I know, half the time I'm running enhance on my main so my fuckery/buggery tolerance is pretty high. Its just a totally different story with my warrior though. One boss kill all the procs and rng are in my favor so it feels like I'm just gliding to a really nice dps output. The next week on the same boss it feels like I'm fighting with an epileptic toddler to pull the same numbers.
So its alright on the one difficulty setting i will never do, meanwhile Arms is nearly dead last on everything.
Well, it's pretty much how warriors have worked since creation. Shit to average dps until you get high end gear then it starts ripping faces off as gear scales. Sorry, I tend to use heroic as the benchmark (whether 10 or 25) since at this point normal is pretty damn faceroll for anyone who gives half a shit about raiding. But yah pre 550ish gear level warriors are strictly middle of the pack.


Toe Sucker
They seem to be updating at the very least-some of the T6/Black Temple gear... So far i've seen a new version of the mage T6 as well as they just gave an "HD" retexture to the bulwark of azzinoth.
I'm curious what these changes are going to be for, a new version of BT?

Mainly i'm wondering if they're going to give a new way to get the bulwark shield and an alternate version of the T6 sets.

I'd chuckle if its a variety of green quest rewards from that quest hub where BT is
For those of you doing the legendary cloak and on collection steps, wait for the 14th to do your flex/lfr farm for the items. They'll be turning the gaze of the black prince back on then which basically doubles the droprate of secrets/sigils/runestones.


Toe Sucker
For those of you doing the legendary cloak and on collection steps, wait for the 14th to do your flex/lfr farm for the items. They'll be turning the gaze of the black prince back on then which basically doubles the droprate of secrets/sigils/runestones.
Logic for delaying it past the 2 primary raid days at the start of the week = ease the pain of their announcement saying the expac won't be until mid/late October since it starts when they announce their release date? lol