World of Warcraft: Current Year


FPS noob
Should be fun today playing the (1) will servers come up on time game, (2) what crazy bugs/exploits did blizzard not find in time and how bad will it get, (3) FUCK MY MODS DONT WORK AAAAAA FUCK THIS GAME (4) wtf my class is totally broken/changed

For those talking about housing, the farm is getting some big updates in 5.2 to make it more house-y with work orders, bind point, etc. Probably in some future patch they will put giant leaderboards right outside the farms so you can see the bazillion rankings they track. I doubt we'll ever see anything like ArcheAge style housing in wow, hope ArcheAge launches in NA this year so I can see how much I really enjoy virtual construction. It would be a bit weird to enjoy dealing with house shit in a video game but still hating that stuff IRL - "Sorry honey I can't replace the sliding shutter this weekend, my e-House needs me to till the soil to get ready for springtime planting!!"


Tempted to come back to WoW, but what is the point. Just got another account banned recently so that means another 70ish dollars to blizzard just to grind and get bored. Need new game badly, I think i really need that feeling of escapism / being part of a group of coordinated players, something greater than the sum of its parts. Maybe a new hobby heh.

I'll try VG but I don't think theres much community there. Bring back the days of EQ and the hour long groups, the community, the guild accomplishments, feeling like whatever raid progression i'm doing won't be obsolete in a matter of months, a less spammy combat system, class diversity which encourages cooperation and synergy. Even thinking back to TBC, it really meant something to be a mage in a 5-man. Dat cc, that utility, that dps, rolling with baller tanks with windfury and unorthodox hybrid spec druids.

Leveled a warrior tank to 70 in heirlooms, and its just mindless pulling, no pressure to hold aggro, doing 80% of the dps just spamming no-cooldown abilities, can't imagine playing a monk will give me any new feels for the game. fml, feels like i got addicted to heroin at a young age and will never get that (new-mmo) rush again.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't understand botters in WoW. Gold flows like wine and there's nothing other than rare mobs to farm but Botting usually won't help. Just quit at that point.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone has done last tier5.1 LFR? I'm wondering how much of a difference getting loot.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't understand botters in WoW. Gold flows like wine and there's nothing other than rare mobs to farm but Botting usually won't help. Just quit at that point.
Pretty much this. I don't understand the "need" to bot. That's like saying you need aimbot and wallhack to play Counter Strike.


Toe Sucker
Sucks that the heirloom upgrading is basically rebuying the entire heirloom, yet you also give up the old heirloom just to make it go from 1-80 to 1-85

on the bright side.. you get 120jp per boss in heroics so it doesnt take long to get that 2125/3000 JP lol

Kind of regretting starting a rogue and leveling BS/Eng while farming ore on my hunter, some of the lower zones are pretty damn awful even after the revamp

Edit: There also seems to be level-breakingly low quest item drop rate bug now... I'm killing mobs that should have a 50% chance to drop a quest item, i've gotten 1 out of 20+ kills. This has happened in Swamp of Sorrows & Burning Steppes now.. Ugh


Grouping with someone fixes whatever they did to break quest drop chance. The other person doesn't have to be online either.

Nerf Horridon!


So... what the fuck is the deal with the Isle of giants? This huge bloody island for nothing other than farming dinosaurs for bones, and a few new dino models for hunters to tame? Seems like an excessive amount of asset creation for so little.


So... what the fuck is the deal with the Isle of giants? This huge bloody island for nothing other than farming dinosaurs for bones, and a few new dino models for hunters to tame? Seems like an excessive amount of asset creation for so little.
It is where the Zandalari are getting the dinosaurs from. You do not see them on the Isle of Thunder in Stage 1, save for wandering elites, but they play a much more prominent role in the later stages.

Also, I would like to offer a big 'fuck you' to Blizzard for the iron rod they have rammed up the ass of Mages once more. Arcane is now garbage and Fire is basically unchanged after the nerf-storm of 5.1, placing us near the very bottom of DPS classes, only we have no viable spec to place us in the 'middle' of the pack, little survivability in PVE, and no utility for raids.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
As far as LFR drops go, I haven't had a drop even from rolls for the last 3 weeks in Terrace. Last night I used my only roll and got a drop. Works for me, cause whatever the rate was before, it made me want to just give up LFR.


FPS noob
yeah not really enjoying this patch. Everyone's DPS seems to be shitty, I know I went from 140k+ sustainable burst in LFR down to 70-80k (mage, switched from arcane to frost) and other classes seem to complain of the same thing. The new island hub is fun once, but fuck farming/camping rares for hours, did Ghostcrawler play a round of EQ and get nostalgic or something? If they had 8+ hour respawns it'd be ok, but with 30-60 min respawn timers you feel torn between camping and saying FUCK THIS SHIT.

I only logged into my alts for 5 mins but I can't get the work orders up in the farm for them either, do you really need to be max rep with each individual farmer? eww.

pet battles seem way worse now, it was nice before forfeiting matches to try and find rares or the correct order on trainer battles. now your pets lose like 10% hp each time you forfeit making everything way, way, way longer.

It is nice assigning rep to a faction for daily heroic/scenarios, wish it worked on older reps. All in all the patch seems to just expose more of the daily treadmill shit than 5.0 or 5.1 did, feels like you have to choose between ignoring almost everything new or playing like a no-lifer spawn camping everything.


New raid is a lot of fun, Isle of Thunder reminds of of Quel'Danas in a lot of ways which is a good thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The windwalker monk ability Storm, Earth, and Fire is pretty fun. You split into elemental clones to attack dif targets.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thunder isle on a PVP server is like a fucking warzone. 400 HK's in 1 hour. When I first got there 30 alliance were camping the boat that you first fly to... sonofabitch.


I don't understand botters in WoW. Gold flows like wine and there's nothing other than rare mobs to farm but Botting usually won't help. Just quit at that point.
Openbot let you bot levels and PVP. I basically didn't want to level and just wanted to PVP. So I would let it run and level to 70 on my hunter and then when I hit 70 I would PVP. It was better than most players at PVP also so I would let it run battlegrounds while I was at work so I could get armor quicker. It would even run objectives in things like AV. It was probably the greatest bot I've ever seen.