World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
Thanks for the tip about AMR. I looked it up and yeah, absolutely nothing in Mythic HM for me now and the trashed BRF items I restored will both replace mythic HM items. Heroic Hans and Frans with loot on par of Mythic Imperator is a fucking laugh. They should have boosted HM mythic to 690 to have the progression make sense. Hell, it doesn't make much sense regardless - heroic HM to normal BRF was already an upgrade in many cases because of sets, trinkets and more stat variety. My rogue went down 5 ilevels in half his slots and gained 10k dps, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Oh well whatever, gift horse and all that. I guess it means pugs won't be as compelled to downgrade themselves to make their ilevel higher just to get invited.

Good thing we took time out to do HM Mythic this week tho, pfft. Still, we were only planning on going 5/7 and only Tectus is left and he's fun and hilarious and worth the experience. (pop ALL the things!) Method's world first kill vid is worth watching if you have 4 minutes to spare. (spoiler: 3 people alive) Midwinter's vid gives you a better idea of how to actually succeed at killing him if you have a paladin army to spare though, heh.

I'm pretty sure we'd have killed him our first p3 if I had realized stampede got lost in a global in the stream of panic. Here's a p3 play by play: misdirect stampede focus fire potion/trinket/beastwrath barrage multishot OH GOD FUCK RUN FOR YOUR LIFE multishot FUCK FUCK FUCK multishot GOD DAMN LOS deterrence multishot deterrence... is it dead yet?

... I never actually got that far. That's the "clean", ideal version. And that leaves out trying to get focus builders in there to keep beast cleave going. Oh well, practice. And useless loot.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Make a table with your numbers so I can see what your idea of progression should be (and so someone in blizzard can see it and say "oh yeah, fuck.").


<Bronze Donator>
I figured this ilvl thing was just their way of allowing more people to see the raid content without presenting it as a full on nerf. They do that right? Nerf content as we get further along in a tier?

I too think it's pretty dumb as I'd like to consider both of these raids in the same tier, giving us a reason to do both each week. I don't know if we'll continue with Mythic HM now unless we want the epeen points (this new guild kind of cares about that though).


<Silver Donator>
Can anyone tell me if the Blood DK 2/4pc is any good in practical use? I tried looking it up, but people generally don't understand the shield mechanic and for some reason perceived it as pure invincibility while vamp blood was up. I understand that it will give you a guaranteed 3%MAXHP Blood Shield for the entire duration of vamp blood. I have some (soon to be) 685 gear in the slots where I can also wear 670 tier pieces, and I'm trying to figure out if the set bonuses > increased stats from my gear.

Edit: Askmrrobot has upgraded characters to reflect the +5 ilvl increase. I went up to 678 which is a bit underwhelming, but that's ok!
I like the 2 piece, it really really allows to have a good uptime to VB and that shit is thoroughly good if only for the increased healing, the increased health the cherry on top.
The 4 piece is basically a watered down version of block. So everytime your Shield is consumed it instead leave a smaller shield of 3 percent of your HPs up that act like a block as long as VB is up.
Personally aiming for the 4 piece and will parse out how this play out, but i'd say on fights with 5 or 6 adds on my face like furnace this will play out to be fantastic.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah the real shitty thing for me is I was passing on almost all BRF loot because LOL 665 is less than 670 WHY WOULD I WANT THAT. It would be cool to have known this in advance
Yup I was doing the same sigh I probably disenchanted a fair amount of what now are at very least side grades and probably upgrades because of that.


Vyemm Raider
I don't know if we'll continue with Mythic HM now unless we want the epeen points (this new guild kind of cares about that though).
It's more of a wowprogress recruiting thing. It's easier to knock out 4 or 5 HM Mythics for rank before moving on to the easier BRF ones.

Of course with the loot change, you probably don't want to spend too much time on HM now. I assume we'll leave koragh/imp for when we hit a rut in BRF.


Vyemm Raider
Area-52 has so many guilds that it's needed just to stay on the first page. But at 9 hours a week keeping up isn't easy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Christ, Heroic Furnace is ripping us up.
Make sure people aren't stupid with bombs in P1.
Burst the fuck out of the elementalists one at a time in P2, clean up adds in between, try to keep an interrupt on each firecaller for the cauterize.
P3 ignore the elementals, have people drop the goo in the back, move around the half-circle room and he should be dead by the time you get to the other side.


<Bronze Donator>
We were blowing through elementalists too quickly and once we took some time to clear out the adds in between the fight dropped after a couple attempts. When the 4th guy dies the only things up other than the boss should be slags and like Gore said just ignore them (except for when they blow up...easy enough...move away). We wiped a few times having too many adds to deal with on top of the boss. Just clean up between elementalists and I think the fight is pretty simple.


Vyemm Raider
If you aren't getting out of p1 before the third operator spawns, wipe and try again. Yell at people to save anything resembling a cooldown for each elementalist and go pure single target burst on them. Watch meters to see who is doing acceptable damage to eles and who is being a AOE padding faggot.


A Mod Real Quick
We're only diong normal but phase 2 was pretty easy for us when we starting doing elementalist > firecallers > elementalist > firecallers > elementalist > firecallers + any security guards over 2 > elementalist > finish adds > boss


Just throwing out my monthly minivan raid recruitment. We do BRF Normal every Saturday 11AM EST, could use any ranged DPS/optional healers that want to join us for xrealm raiding on those days - Horde Hyjal. Just friend me on bnet. We're 9/10N and soon moving to heroic.
Just want to give a personal shout-out to this fine group of gents. Mike and I weren't planning to raid in this expansion but when Moordryn started running the HM normals on Friday nights we decided to give it a try. We were total newbs to modern WoW raiding as we hadn't played since WOTLK and we were both playing totally new characters. That was fun and we ended up joining the Saturday morning runs too once we had the gear. Every week I become a little less of a scrub!

I best describe this raid as a weekly poker game with good buddies, that's what it kind of feels like and that's what makes it fun! That and making fun of each other on Mumble.


So what's the consensus on WoD? Been getting a lot of bad reviews it looks like. Been thinking about coming back but haven't played since Cata.


Trakanon Raider
or simply been playing games other than WoW and read general chat.
Ain't that the truth. I've noticed it's mostly prevalent in the F2P games, or the latest release. Always seemed like a bunch of people trying to hang with the cool kids and/or dudes trying to justify why they are playing X game at the time.


Ain't that the truth. I've noticed it's mostly prevalent in the F2P games, or the latest release. Always seemed like a bunch of people trying to hang with the cool kids and/or dudes trying to justify why they are playing X game at the time.
It's mostly in the Wowforum General chat. I guess they're just being babies.


Reminds me of goddamn metacritic user scores. "I've been playing WoW for 10 years. Put 250+ hours into Warlords, but I've got a job and 3 kids now and don't have time to play anymore. 0/10"