World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
The cache mission does not disappear if you fail. Just yolo until you succeed. Ships are not like followers, they are worthless and very replaceable.
except much much worse because they require farming oil which sucks sixteen kinds of dog dick


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly I have had zero issues with oil. Doing the one daily mission that gives a crap load of oil I simply can't do the boat missions fast enough to make much of a dent in my oil stock pile currently and I just unlocked the oil rig. Maybe if I had a mage tower and could burn the missions faster that would be a factor but right now I don't see oil being much of a problem as long as I am working towards my apexis stuff and doing the dailies.


Vyemm Raider
Heh, here we go again - two more officers down, and randoms dropping like flies.

10/13H, I should probably go kill Archimonde on normal while I still have the chance.

I was actually asked how I consistently have twice as much damage to the high priority "kill or we wipe" adds as anyone else. "uh, I target them and push buttons."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
except much much worse because they require farming oil which sucks sixteen kinds of dog dick
The only way oil is a concern is you haven't done a single daily. I think I am up to 6000 oil despite sending out boats on treasure missions every time one is up and use mission orders to complete the long ones.


So here's a massive derp moment for me.

I started WOD last week as a Fury Warrior and didn't realize until yesterday that I could dual wield 2handers. /facepalm

I remember titans grasp from 5 years ago but never saw an in game reference to it, so I never attempted it.

At least I only wasted a week.


<Bronze Donator>
Heh, here we go again - two more officers down, and randoms dropping like flies.

10/13H, I should probably go kill Archimonde on normal while I still have the chance.

I was actually asked how I consistently have twice as much damage to the high priority "kill or we wipe" adds as anyone else. "uh, I target them and push buttons."
We just lost one of our 3 main hunters if your guild there is falling apart. We finished last tier 7/10 M after starting probably a month later than most guilds. We're through normal and 7 H as of last night. 10/13 after tonight is my guess.

Isn't the most insane group of players in the world, but above average. Mon/Tues/Wed 8-11 central raid times.


Idiot Savaunt
1-handed Fury is higher dps right now actually. Not much of a difference either way.
Yeah you'll typically just roll with whatever you have higher iLevels of. Obviously no mixing and matching.

Count me in among the unsubbers. Not that I was that hardcore up until this patch but my warrior is sitting at around 685. EQ Progression has me enthralled and my brother was actually willing to come back and play that whereas I couldn't talk him into WoW again.


All I do is make $$$$$$$$ in this game from just a few hours here and there throughout the day, the AH is so easy to play even without addons.

I'm bored of this patch but hey I never have to pay for this game again as long as they keep this coin thing going.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I do is make $$$$$$$$ in this game from just a few hours here and there throughout the day, the AH is so easy to play even without addons.

I'm bored of this patch but hey I never have to pay for this game again as long as they keep this coin thing going.
Pretty much same can still do garrison to pretty much make the game free to play over the course of a month just loging in for a few mins to send clones out. They nerfed the big ticket rewards but you get enough 75/100 gp with half your followers being treasure hunters still adds up super fast.


I could've looked into it more before completing it I suppose. But the achievement for flying, when you complete it says (Draenor Flying in an upcoming patch).

.....why the fuck


Pretty much same can still do garrison to pretty much make the game free to play over the course of a month just loging in for a few mins to send clones out. They nerfed the big ticket rewards but you get enough 75/100 gp with half your followers being treasure hunters still adds up super fast.
I still make 75% of my money from selling enchanting mats, T1 crafted gear, and savage bloods. Especially if you only log on once a day, missions are a pittance compared to AH profits. I made 13k just today; above average but I usually get 5-6k. I'm not even playing the AH, just looting garrison shit and selling it as is.

I hit 1 million gold right before the token came out. I stopped playing the game for reals and figured at ~25k a token I could keep an account floating along for a good 3 years. I'm sitting at about 1.4 mil now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I could've looked into it more before completing it I suppose. But the achievement for flying, when you complete it says (Draenor Flying in an upcoming patch).

.....why the fuck
We have heard the concerns of our players and we have decided to release one more HUGE PATCH this expansion! (intern toggles on flying /YES)


Vyemm Raider
Maybe they have to edit out the invisible walls they threw up everywhere when they had no plans to have flying.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
He hits an invisible wall in the video...
I'm gonna need you to relax with the facts and get on board the hate train. All they have to do is change the FLYING IN DRAENOR from a 0 to a 1 in the server's ini file. Blizzard is full of anti-flying misogynist shitlords.


The top of Shattrath where there's afuckin' magic barrier protecting the city, that's talked about in quest chains and lore of the game including the WoD videos they released before the game came out.
It probably most definitely isn't done on purpose. /s

look at all those invisible walls

but hey I don't care I just found it annoying that the whole system is there and the reward isn't implemented, I got my flying when it comes out and I actually enjoyed achieving it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The majestic winged flaming meatball soars through the skies of Draenor, an awe-striking spectacle.